IFRAO 2018 – General information and logistics

Dears Collegues and friends,

At its meeting of 4 September 2015 in Caceres, Spain, the IFRAO committee chose Valle Camonica as the location for the upcoming XX INTERNATIONAL ROCK ART CONFERENCE IFRAO 2018 and named the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camunian Centre for Prehistoric Studies) and the Cooperativa Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo” (Archaeological Cooperative “The Footsteps of Man”) as the organisers of the event.

The organizing committee is glad to announce the call for papers for IFRAO2018
Abstracts should be sent to our email: ifrao2018@ccsp.it, session e-mail contact or submit your proposal
Including the following:
– The title of communication, the name of author, affiliation, session of interest
– An abstract in English with a maximum length of 200 words and 5-6 key-words
– Two images in .jpeg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
Deadline: 30th of November 2017
download list and rational of the sessions

To fill in the registration form click here.
Payment of the full registration fee will entitle delegates to attend all conference sessions, receive conference material including the book of abstracts and to take part in social events and light refreshments (some planned excursions may incur extra costs)
The payment of the registration fee is mandatory for the speakers. We would like to remember to the speakers that the payment of the registration fee will not imply the acceptance of the abstract submitted.
The access to the halls in which there will be the presentations is free.

Welcome to Valcamonica, a narrow alpine valley, situated north of the cities of Bergamo and Brescia (Lombardy, Italy). At the southern end of the valley lies the beautiful lake Iseo, while in the north are the high peaks such as the Adamello (3554 meters) between the two you find the renowned and world heritage rock art sites of Valcamonica and surrounds.

Congress Venue
The IFRAO 2018 Congress sessions will be hosted at the prestigious venue of Darfo B.T. Congress Centre and in the connected location of the Consolata. The Congress Centre occupies a structure of more than 3,000 sq. m.; designed by Gregotti and Associati studio, one of the most prestigious Italian architectural firms of international renown (for further information – only in italian – click here)

How to reach Valcamonica
Nearest airports: Orio al Serio International Airport (Milan – Bergamo); Linate International Airport (Milan) (140 km); Malpensa International Airport (Milan) (190 km); Airport V. Catullo (Verona) (110 km).
The most convenient way to reach Valcamonica is by car, for details about car rental please click here
Valcamonica can also be reached by bus and train; the nearest stations are Darfo and Boario Terme. You can find the timetables from Brescia and Bergamo on the following sites:

The average cost of a taxi from and to major airports
Orio al Serio International Airport (Milan – Bergamo) – Darfo B.T. 90€ (one way)
Linate International Airport (Milan) – Darfo B.T. 120€ (one way)
Malpensa International Airport (Milan) – Darfo B.T. 150€ (one way)
Airport V. Catullo (Verona) – Darfo B.T. 180€ (one way)

The Destination Management Organization (DMO) “Valle Camonica – La Valle dei Segni” is the official partner of IFRAO 2018. Speakers’ accommodation packages will be available from January 2018. Below is a table with the approximate accommodation costs.
A catering service will be organized at the Congress venue.

On the webpage you will find the preliminary program of the Congress, which will be monthly updated. The sessions are programmed between August 29th and September 2nd. The excursions and trips programmed within the Congress will take place between September 3rd and September 6th. Major information will be available soon.

CALL for PAPERS – IFRAO2018 (english version)

The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici(CCSP) and the Società Cooperativa Archeologica“Le Orme dell’Uomo”(Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society) have thepleasure to invite you to the 20th International Rock Art Congress which will be held in Valcamonica (Italy) from 29th of August to the 2nd of September 2018.
This major event takes place 50 years after the first “Valcamonica Symposium”, marking30 years since the foundation of IFRAO and the 30th anniversary of the Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society.
The congress will cover a range of topics relevant to rock art, archaeology, culture and society, from its first appearance to current forms. During five days, leading experts in the field, researchers along with young scholars and enthusiasts, will gather and present the latest results and studies on rock art, rupestrian archaeology and other relevant research fields on Paleolithic and Post-Paleolithic art from all over the world.
More than 40 sessions (the complete list of the sessions approved by the scientifc committee is available on the back of this poster and on the website: www.ccsp.it), workshops, key lectures, exhibitions, visits with live streaming of certain events are being planned. Excursions before and after the congress in Valcamonica and to others areas of the Alps are also being programmed.
The organizing committee is glad to announce the call for papers for IFRAO2018 Abstracts should be sent to our email: ifrao2018@ccsp.it or submitting it here.
Including the following:
► The title of communication, the name of author, affiliation, session of interest
► An abstract in English with a maximum length of 200 words and 5-6 key-words
► Two images in .jpeg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
Deadline: 30th of November 2017

Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici – Activities 2016 – newsletter n.1/2016 – ENG

The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici is pleased to present their activities for the year 2016.

Shrines, sacred places, culture, art, pilgrimages, landscapes and people
Valcamonica (ITALY), 9th -13th July 2016

The third edition of the International Congress “Santuarios” will be held in Valcamonica, the Landmarks Valley. Valcamonica is one of those rare places in the world that narrates a long story rooted in spirituality. Its treasures include a rich collection of rock-art that has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage. The might of Roman domination was followed by a complex sequence of events accompanying the conversion to Christianity in the Alps. Its legacy includes countless churches, chapels, shrines and cult places.

The meeting sets out to challenge all the diverse dimensions of the relationship between culture, environment and man. Thus, an invitation to participate is extended to anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, artists, performers, biologists, conservators, restorers, believers, devotees and pilgrims, curators, writers, designers, philosophers, gastronomes, geologists, historians, art historians, doctors, museologists, musicians and musicologists, psychologists, priests, sociologists and all those who understand that their work and their devotion has a relationship with a broad concept of sanctuaries.

To more info click here, to contact the secretariat congress@ccsp.it


Recording RockArt Fieldwork 2016
18-31 July 2016

The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici organize the annual recording rock-art fieldwork aims at the completion and integration of the documentation of the rock art in the middle Valcamonica.

Following the previous recording rock-art fieldworks, also this year the works will continue in the area of Foppe di Nadro – Riserva naturale incisioni rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo (Rock engravings Natural Reserve of Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo) (Valcamonica – Italy). The Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork aimed at the complete documentation of the rock art and environment in which is inserted.

To more info click here, to contact the secretariat recording.rockart@ccsp.it


Advanced course “Recording rock-art: new technologies for the documentation and management of mountain and valley heritage”
22 August – 4 September 2016

In the splendid setting of Valcamonica, the State University of Milan (through its branch known as theUniversity of the Mountains, a centre of excellence for study, research and training in mountain themes) and the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camunian Centre for Prehistoric Studies), at the forefront in the documentation and analysis of rock-art for 50 years, are organising the first interdisciplinary advanced course in the recording of rock-art.
The lectures will involve the leading experts in the sector, both nationally and internationally, some participating by streaming links from major research institutes.

To more info click here

Intensive course in recording Rock-Art

In the splendid setting of Valcamonica, the Valley of Landmarks – on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979 – the State University of Milan (through its branch known as theUniversity of the Mountains, a centre of excellence for study, research and training in mountain themes) and the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camunian Centre for Prehistoric Studies), at the forefront in the documentation and analysis of rock-art for 50 years, are organising the first interdisciplinary advanced course in the recording of rock-art.
The lectures will involve the leading experts in the sector, both nationally and internationally, some participating by streaming links from major research institutes.

Maximum number of participants: 30
Cost of course: € 680 (Accommodation in structures with agreed room rates)
Dates of course: 22 August – 4 September 2016
Admission to the course: Admission will be based on the evaluation of potential participants’ Curriculum Vitae. To apply one must send one’s CV along with an accompanying letter that details the applicant’s level of knowledge and specific experiences in rock-art research.To apply, write to corso.edolo@unimi.it attaching your CV and cover letter. Registration will be completed during the month before the start of the course using the appropriate forms.

Location and secretary:
via Morino 8 – Edolo (BS) – Italy
Tel/Fax. +39 0364 71324
Web: www.unimont.unimi.it
Mail: corso.edolo@unimi.it

Fieldschool location:
Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
via Marconi 7 – Capo di Ponte (BS) – Italy

Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork 2016

In the wonderful framework of the Landmarks Valley, recognized as UNESCO heritage since 1979, the Centro Camuno of Studi Preistorici organize the annual recording rock-art fieldwork aims at the completion and integration of the documentation of the rock art in the middle Valcamonica.

Following the previous recording rock.art fieldworks, also this year the works will continue in the area of Foppe di Nadro – Riserva naturale incisioni rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo (Rock engravings Natural Reserve of Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo) (Valcamonica – Italy) (on the concession of the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia). The Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork aimed at the complete documentation of the rock art and environment in which is inserted.

The fieldwork will follow this methodology and the participant can work in one or more of the following activities:

  • Identification of the rocks within the archaeological authorization and preparation of the rocky surfaces.
  • Placing of the tracing sheets in nylon and recording.
  • Recording with total station and georeferencing of the rocks.
  • Archaeological photography of the engraved rocks.
  • 3D recordings of rocks and engravings (Structure from Motion).
  • Digitization of the tracings, processing and recomposition with computer in laboratory.
  • Catalogue, analysis and comparisons with archaeological sources.
  • Post-processing of the data gathered.

Period: 18-31 July
Available places: 15
Requirements: The fieldwork is addresses to everyone, priority will be given to students and graduates in archaeology or anthropology (or related fields) and with experiences in rock-art recording.
Deadline: curriculm and participation form has to be send by June 2016 torecording.rockart@ccsp.it
Cost: The participation fee to the Fieldwork will be 100 € plus the inscription to Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (40 €).
Lodging in Valcamonica: The lodging is at the “Guest house” of the Natural Reserve in Nadro with an agreed upon price of 10 € per night. The guest-house has a kitchen.


III International Congress Santuarios

The third edition of the International Congress “Santuarios” will be held in Valcamonica, the Landmarks Valley.

Valcamonica is one of those rare places in the world that narrates a long story rooted in spirituality. Its treasures include a rich collection of rock-art that has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage. The might of Roman domination was followed by a complex sequence of events accompanying the conversion to Christianity in the Alps. Its legacy includes countless churches, chapels, shrines and cult places.

The meeting sets out to challenge all the diverse dimensions of the relationship between culture, environment and man. Thus, an invitation to participate is extended to anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, artists, performers, biologists, conservators, restorers, believers, devotees and pilgrims, curators, writers, designers, philosophers, gastronomes, geologists, historians, art historians, doctors, museologists, musicians and musicologists, psychologists, priests, sociologists and all those who understand that their work and their devotion has a relationship with a broad concept of sanctuaries.

1) The sanctuaries and rituality from prehistory the Roman world
2) Art and Iconography: archetypes and geographical spread
3) Architecture, art, devotion and meeting places of the sacred
4) New cults, pilgrimages and religious tourism
5) Sanctuaries, landscapes and natural environments

Summer school and recording rock-art fielwork in Valcamonica 2015

Dear colleague and friend,

as you already know the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici is a non-profit cultural organization, and its main purpose is the research of prehistoric and primitive art, disseminating research results and contributing to the preservation and appreciation of the cultural heritage. Since fifty years, the Centro Camuno conducts and disseminates researches and studies in the fields of prehistory, archaeology, anthropology and ethno-anthropology, organizes exhibitions and cultural events in Italy and in other countries, promotes meetings, seminars and congresses to support and promote the exchange of ideas and opinions among scholars and specialists of the fields in which the CCSP is involved.
After fifty years, the “Centro Camuno” is starting a new phase with a new scientific council and a series of new projects and partnerships. We would be very happy if you could join us.
A part of our renewal is focused on improving the efforts in the recording of rock-art. For this porpouse we have organized a summer school of two weeks, where scholars from different countries and universities share their knowledge and experience, and following, it has been organized a prolonged fieldwork to be able to collect more data:
– The summer school in the rock-art recording and analysis techniques takes place from 8 to 20 June 2015, info at: Summer school ENG
– The annual Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork, this year will run from 22 June to 2 August, info at Fieldwork ENG
– Summer school nelle tecniche di documentazione e analisi dell’arte rupestre avrà luogo dall’8 al 20 giugno 2015 Summer School ITA
– L’annuale campagna di rilevamento di arte rupestre, il Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork quest’anno si svolgerà dal 22 giugno al 2 agosto Fieldwork ITA
We would like to invite you to participate in, or promote these activities among your colleagues and people who may be interested.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
the fieldwork and summer school organizers

Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork in Valcamonica 2015

The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici organizes the annual rock art recording of the Foppe area in Nadro – Riserva naturale incisioni rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo (Rock engravings Natural Reserve of Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo (Valcamonica – Italy) aimed at the completion of the rock art areas research in the middle Val Camonica. This year the Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork will take place from 22 June to 2 August, for who is interested in participating, it will be possible to choose the most opportune period. It is not obligatory to attend all the period (but of course possible), nonetheless it is required the participation to a minimum of two weeks.

Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork (available places 10 for each week)
Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork is aimed at recording the engraved rocks and the territory in which they are. The fieldwork will follow this methodology and the participant can work in one or more of the following activities:
• Identification of the rocks within the archaeological authorization and preparation of the rocky surfaces.
• Placing of the tracing sheets in nylon and recording.
• Recording with total station and georeferencing of the rocks.
• Archaeological photography of the engraved rocks.
• 3D recordings of rocks and engravings (Structure from Motion).
• Digitization of the tracings, processing and recomposition with computer in laboratory
• Catalogue, analysis and comparisons with archaeological sources.
• Post-processing of the data gathered.

The participation is mandatory for at least two continuing weeks, it will be given a priority to the people who will participate for more than two weeks.

Participation requirements
The course is principally addressed to students and graduates in archaeology. People interested must send the application form for the participation by the 30th of April 2015, accompanied by the curriculum. Priority will be given to students and graduates in archaeology/anthropology (or related fields) and with experiences in rock-art recording. We would like to point out the possibility to participate at the Summer School organized be the CCSP, this Summer school is aimed to train in the recording and documentation activities, it will be held from 8 to 20 June 2015 the participation costs 300 € (more info www.ccsp.it)

The participation fee to the Fieldwork will be 70 € plus the inscription to Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (40 €).

By the 15th of May we will announce the list with the selected students.

leaflet_fieldwork 2015_valcamonicaENG

Summer school: from 22 June to 2 August 2015

The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, which is from 50 years the avant-garde in the rock-art recording and analysis techniques, organizes a summer school on rock-art recording from 8 to 20 June 2015, in Valcamonica – Italy

Ulf Bertilsson – SHFA Institutionen för Historiska studier, Göteborgs University, Svezia; CCSP scientific management
Mila Simões de Abreu – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Portogallo; CCSP scientific management

The summer school aims to form new profiles able to operate in the rock-art recording and with specific proficiencies on:
• Tracing on engraved rocks (both pecking and philiform)
• Identification and analysis of superimpositions
• Laboratory and digitalization of tracings
• Manage and implementation of database
• Total station / GPS
• 3D (Structure from Motion)
• Application of the learned techniques in different environment and context (recording on rock, in churches)


REQUISITES: The summer school is mainly addressed to university students and graduates. People interested must send the application form for the participation by the 15th of May 2014, accompanied by the curriculum and a cover letter. The application forms not accompanied by the curriculum and cover letter won’t be considered.
Priority will be given to students and graduates in archaeology. If there will be vacant places, other candidatures will be considered.

Details and modalities of participation
The summer school will take place from the 8th to the 20th of June 2015, at Foppe di Nadro (Riserva naturale delle incisioni rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo), Valcamonica – Italy.
The participation fee will be 300 € (comprehensive of inscription to Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici) and includes classes, training on the field, guided tour to the main rock-art parks (the park tickets are not included), didactic materials and tutoring.
To the first 10 registered will be offered 7 days of free accommodation at the guesthouse of the Riserva at Nadro di Ceto, the others will find accommodation in subsidized structures.

More info http://www.ccsp.it/web/summer%20school%202015/summer%20school%202015_IT.html

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Valcamonica Symposium 2015 – Presentation

Since 1968, the Valcamonica Symposium, promoted by the Centro Camuno, is the traditional occasion for the international meeting and discussion among the rock-art scholars and researchers. This year it reaches the XXVI edition and it will be held from 9th  to 12th  September 2015 with a renewed look and under the direction of a new scientific committee.

The title “Prospects for prehistoric art research 50 years since the founding of the Centro Camuno” celebrates a long tradition of research in Valcamonica opening up new prospects for study and collaboration

The Camonica valley has been inserted in the UNESCO World Heritage List from 1979, and it has been a laboratory of experimental techniques in the rock-art recording and analysis. Here it has seen the light the method of recording directly on the surface with transparent material, which is used in most of the rock art sites.

After 50 years it has arrived the time to understand where we are now regarding the methods, discoveries and perspectives, also taking in consideration the new technologies applied to archaeology and which should find a place also in the study of the rock art. The Valcamonica Symposium 2015 will be a big event where to meet and discuss on the roc art recording and study for researchers and scholars from different institutions and research centres around the world

To date the fixed sessions are:

Archaeological context and rock art. Two sections: Alpine and world context
Coordinated by: Raffaele de Marinis – University of Milan, Italy and Annaluisa Pedrotti – University of Trento, Italy

Updates on world rock art
Coordinated by Mila Simões de Abreu – University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal

Documentation techniques and rock art data management
Coordinated by: Annaluisa Pedrotti – University of Trento, Italy

Changes in rock art dating methods
Coordinated by: Ulf Bertillson – Director of Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, University of Göteborgs, Sweden

Environmental context and relationship with territory understanding rock art
Coordinated by: Cesare Ravazzi – CNR Researcher, Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes

Rock art management and relationships with the territory
Coordinated by: Tino Bino – Catholic University of Brescia, Italy

The symposium will be open to the public, the speeches printed on the Pre-proceedings and also freely available on-line on the dedicated website page (access from www.ccsp.it).

There will be side events to the Symposium which will involve the Valcamonica territory, such as exhibitions, show, educational activities for children, guided tour to archaeological sites and other.