The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici is once again organising the Valcamonica Symposium. More than a year after the start of the pandemic, which delayed numerous initiatives and prevented new research and interactions between institutions and researchers, this congress aims to facilitate communication and exchanges and to establish new contacts and collaborations, redefine objectives and facilitate planning.
The Valcamonica Symposium will be an opportunity to present new research and news on rock art sites from around the world; it will allow us to deepen the debate on specific issues, geographical locations and specific periods, but above all it aims to become a stimulus to share reflections and research methods, to review the tools of museumization in light of new potential for sites, in museums and on social platforms.
The official languages of the Valcamonica Symposium are: English, Italian, French and Spanish.
The Auditorium Cittadella Cultura, Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica, Italy. Conformity to current rules, Digital COVID Certificate (Green Pass) is required to access the conference room. Access to the room is subject to availability.
All the conferences are avaible in live streaming: from zoom (subscribers only, registration form available here); from the youtube channel and FB page of @centrocamuno (registration is not required)