Summer school and recording rock-art fielwork in Valcamonica 2015

Dear colleague and friend,

as you already know the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici is a non-profit cultural organization, and its main purpose is the research of prehistoric and primitive art, disseminating research results and contributing to the preservation and appreciation of the cultural heritage. Since fifty years, the Centro Camuno conducts and disseminates researches and studies in the fields of prehistory, archaeology, anthropology and ethno-anthropology, organizes exhibitions and cultural events in Italy and in other countries, promotes meetings, seminars and congresses to support and promote the exchange of ideas and opinions among scholars and specialists of the fields in which the CCSP is involved.
After fifty years, the “Centro Camuno” is starting a new phase with a new scientific council and a series of new projects and partnerships. We would be very happy if you could join us.
A part of our renewal is focused on improving the efforts in the recording of rock-art. For this porpouse we have organized a summer school of two weeks, where scholars from different countries and universities share their knowledge and experience, and following, it has been organized a prolonged fieldwork to be able to collect more data:
– The summer school in the rock-art recording and analysis techniques takes place from 8 to 20 June 2015, info at: Summer school ENG
– The annual Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork, this year will run from 22 June to 2 August, info at Fieldwork ENG
– Summer school nelle tecniche di documentazione e analisi dell’arte rupestre avrà luogo dall’8 al 20 giugno 2015 Summer School ITA
– L’annuale campagna di rilevamento di arte rupestre, il Recording Rock-Art Fieldwork quest’anno si svolgerà dal 22 giugno al 2 agosto Fieldwork ITA
We would like to invite you to participate in, or promote these activities among your colleagues and people who may be interested.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
the fieldwork and summer school organizers