“Talking about rock art” – Online lecture series

27 June 2024

Starting in January 2020, the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (CCSP) is offering a monthly lecture series, available online, providing a space for sharing and comparison for all scholars who are involved in archaeology and rock art in Valcamonica and for those who have broadened their study scope, both chronologically and geographically.

This project serves several purposes: disseminating the results of scientific research, which too often remain hidden within the walls of studios and laboratories; bringing the general public closer to the work of researchers, transforming it into knowledge and culture for all; creating a smart platform that facilitates mutual acquaintance, constructive confrontation, and exchanges of points of view.

The lectures, with different durations and formats (from updates on current research to the presentation of new publications), take place on the Zoom platform and are broadcast in real time on our social channels (@centrocamuno), as well as archived on Facebook and YouTube. Audience members can interact, using messaging to ask questions or offer reflections. Participation is free and open; no passwords or credentials are required.

As a reminder, applications to propose one’s own paper are open. We ask all interested parties to write to the e-mail address biblioteca@ccsp.it indicating the title of the paper, a brief introduction and preferred dates.


LIST OF REPORTS (and links)

Benjamin Smith: Rock Art of Murujuga: Protecting the world’s largest rock art site from destruction (link)

Luc Hermann: Rock art of Kyrgyzstan: an overview (link)

Georges Sauvet (French): La structuration du bestiaire paléolithique (“The structure of palaeolithic bestiaries”, link)

Andrea Arcà (Italian): La Grande Roccia delle Aquane. Miti, eroi e divinità nell’iconografia camuna e italica della prima età del Ferro (“The Great Rock of the Aquane: Myths, Heroes and Gods in Camunian and Italic Iconography of the Early Iron Age”, link)

Gerhard Milstreu: A short introduction to Scandinavian Rock Art. With connection to the Mediterranean (link)

Dario Sigari (Italian): Parlando di arte paleolitica in Italia (“About Palaeolithic Art in Italy”, link)

Claire Smith and Gary Jackson, with Barunga community: Aboriginal strategies for hiding meaning in rock art in the Barunga region, Northern Territory, Australia (link)

Giriraj Kumar, Ram Krishna and Hridayshri: Emotional Aspects of Rock Art (link)

Matteo Meschiari (Italian): Dreamscapes. Le origini preistoriche dell’immaginario (“Dreamscapes. The Prehistoric Origins of Imagination”, link)

Sven Ouzman: 40,000 Years of Rock Art and Place-Making from Sahul and Australia (link)

Antti Lahelma: Seducing the Prey: Animism and Sexuality in North European Rock Art (link)

Marisa Giorgi: Cultural maintenance of fertility and resource supply: the rock art of Carnarvon Gorge (link)

Suely Gleyde Amancio-Martinelli (Portoguese): Arte rupestre do baixo rio São Francisco no Nordeste do Brasil (“Rock Art of the Low São Francisco River, North-East Brazil”, link)

Paweł Polkowski: Rock art in Egypt’s Western Desert: A view from the Dakhleh Oasis (link)

Sara Garces: Tagus Valley Rock Art Complex (link)

Marcel Otte (French): Arts Prehistoriques, témoins des activités de la conscience (“Prehistoric Arts: Witnessing the Activities of Conscience”, link)

Sam Challis: The effects of contact in the rock art of southern Africa (link)

Emmanuel Anati, with the participation of L. Baldari, E. Berrocal, A. Biganzoli, F. Gambicorti, E. Giannichedda, N. Gugliuzza, S. Marigonda, R. Mulato (Italian): Decifrare l’arte preistorica (“Deciphering Prehistoric Art”, link)

Genevieve von Petzinger: Paleolithic Signs and the Origins of Graphic Communication (link)

Umberto Sansoni (Italian): Arte rupestre del Sahara Centrale e del Sahel: 10 millenni di immagini sulla roccia (“Central Sahara and Sahel Rock Art – 10 Millennia’s Worth of Images on Rocks”, link)

Silvia Sandrone (Italian): Incisioni rupestri protostoriche e storiche della regione del monte Bego (“Proto-Historic and Historic Rock Engravings in the Area of Mount Bego”, link)

GIPRI Colombia (Spanish with English subtitles): Pinturas rupestres Serranía La Lindosa, Colombia: Estudios y Debates (“Rock Art from Serranía La Lindosa, Colombia—Studies and Discussions”, link)

Giuseppe Orefici (Italian): Il progetto NASCA 1982-2021. Ultimi risultati (“NASCA Project 1982-2021 – Latest Results”, link)

Umberto Tecchiati (Italian): Statue-stele dell’età del Rame nell’area alpina atesina (“Copper Age Statue-Stelae in the Area of the river Adige”, link)

Francesca Roncoroni (Italian): Il rilievo di Bormio: storia della scoperta e nuove analisi iconografiche (“Bormio’s Survey – History of Discovery and New Iconographic Analysis”, link)

Mila Simoes de Abreu (Italian): L’arte rupestre paleolitica all’aperto in Europa (“Palaeolithic Outdoor Art in Europe”, link)

Giuliano Chiapparini (Italian): La religione negli studi sulla Valcamonica prescristiana: modelli a confronto (“Religion in Studies on Pre-Christian Valcamonica: Comparing Models”, link)

Silvana Gavaldo and Paolo Medici (Italian): L’arte rupestre di Foppe di Nadro (considerazioni sullo studio sistematico dell’area) (“Foppe di Nadro’s Rock Art – Considerations on the Systematic Study of the Area”, link)

Dario Sigari (Italian): L’arte rupestre all’aria aperta, gruppi umani e territori. Il caso Gobustan (“Open-Air Rock Art, Human Groups and Territories: The Gobustan Case”, link)

Angelo E. Fossati (Italian): L’arte rupestre della Valcamonica in età del Ferro (“Valcamonica Rock Art in the Iron Age”, link)

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