BCSP – Call for papers – ENG

BCSP is the scientific bulletin of the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, directed by Angelo E. Fossati and published by Edizioni del Centro (journal registered with the Court of Brescia on January 2, 1968 no. 7/1968 – ISSN 1594 – 7084).

The BCSP editorial board is pleased to evaluate original and unpublished contributions in the form of essay (60,000 characters) or short article (15,000 characters). We invite authors to review our editorial standards. Papers will undergo a double-blind review process and then edited. One or more proofreading by the authors is expected before going to press.

Submissions should be sent to the email valeria.damioli@ccsp.it

Sample meta-article: click here to download

Editorial standards printable format: click here to download

To view all issues of the BCSP online, click here

Editorial standards

Essays will be published in Italian, French, Spanish or English, with a maximum length of 60,000 characters, including bibliography and footnotes, illustrated by up to 10 images (max). The wording should be in accordance with the BCSP editorial standards.

Short Article
Articles will be published in Italian, French or English, with a maximum length of 15,000 characters, including bibliography and footnotes, illustrated by up to 5 images (max).


The texts, which must be original and unpublished, should be submitted in Word format or in another compatible open source word processing program (not as a PDF document).

Along with the text, please include the title, author’s name and institution; in the case of multiple authors, please indicate the contact person who will interact with the editorial office.

In both text and tables, CAPITAL LETTERS, bold and underlined must be avoided. The editors reserve the right to standardize non-conforming texts.

The bibliography at the end of the text should be in alphabetical order and composed according to the following template:

Bassi S.
2008    Le incisioni rupestri storiche di Carona (Bergamo). La roccia 1 di Le Torbiere, in «NAB» 16, pp. 249-278.

Gastaldi C.
2009    Cimbergo tra XII e XVI secolo. Una breve nota storica, in Sansoni U., Gavaldo S. (eds), Lucus rupestris. Sei millenni di arte rupestre a Campanine di Cimbergo, Capo di Ponte, Edizioni del Centro, pp. 341-343.

Short J. R.
2003    The world through maps: a history of cartography, Toronto, Firefly Books.

Short quotations should be inserted along text, in parentheses. Ex: “…” (Short 2003, 145)

Maximum width of tables (Word or compatible program) should not exceed 18 cm.

Illustrations should be sent in separate files, in JPEG or TIFF format, and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The editorial office reserves the right not to publish images deemed non-compliant, imported or pasted into a word worksheet, power point presentation or PDF document.

The captions of the illustrations, named “Figure” with progressive Arabic numerals (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.), must be accompanied by an authorization to reproduce “to be used for scientific research purposes and for illustrative and non-commercial purposes,” which the author will take care to request from any rights-holders. The editorial office reserves the right not to publish illustrations that are not of adequate quality or that do not have a clear exemption from any copyright, disclaiming all responsibility.

Text and images should be sent to the email address valeria.damioli@ccsp.it; in the case of large files, we recommend using the sites of www.wetransfer.com or www.dropbox.com.


Best wishes for a good work,

BCSP Editorial Staff


Editorial Advisory Board

Mila Simões de Abreu
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro – UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal

Ulf Bertilsson
Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, Institutionen för Historiska studier, Università di Göteborgs, Sweden

Tino Bino
Università Cattolica di Brescia, Italy

Raffaele De Marinis
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Annaluisa Pedrotti
Università di Trento, Italy


Editorial director
Angelo E. Fossati (President of IFRAO / Archaeological Cooperative “Footstep of Man” / Università Cattolica di Milano, Italy)

Federico Troletti (CCSP / Università di Trento, Italy)

Mila Simões de Abreu (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal)
Ulf Bertilsson (Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, Institutionen för Historiska studier, Università di Göteborgs, Sweden)
Tino Bino (Università Cattolica di Brescia, Italy)
Stefania Casini (City Museum of Archaeology, Bergamo, Italy)
Raffaele De Marinis (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Katalin Jankovits (Budapest University, Hungary / Università di Padova, Italy)
Annaluisa Pedrotti (Università di Trento, Italy)
Cesare Ravazzi (CNR, Italy)
Giuseppa Tanda (Università di Cagliari, Italy)

Editorial staff
Tiziana Cittadini (CCSP / Director of the Natural Reserve of Rock engravings of Ceto, Cimbergo, and Paspardo, Italy)
Valeria Damioli (CCSP)
Paolo Medici (CCSP / Berlin University, Germany)
Federico Troletti (CCSP / Università di Trento, Italy)

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