Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici

The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, or CCSP (“Valcamonica Center for Prehistory Studies), is a non-profit cultural association, founded in 1964.

The experience of documentation and research gained in Valcamonica is the starting point of a great intellectual adventure: to document, enhance and understand rock art, transforming scientific research into culture and knowledge for all.

In 1979, by preparing the dossier, CCSP made a decisive contribution to the recognition of Valcamonica as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In its sixty years of activity, it has conducted research not only in Valcamonica and Valtellina, but also in most of the rock art sites in Italy and around the world, collecting and cataloging thousands of documents that, together with the specialized library, constitute the Institute’s photographic and historical archives. Over the past 20 years, CCSP has also collaborated with many partners in major European projects.

CCSP is a member of IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art Organizations) and IIPP (Italian Institute of Prehistory and Protohistory); it is registered in the Italian National Research Register under number B18907Y8. In addition, it has been recognized by the Lombardy Region as a Subject that carries out educational and cultural promotion activities of regional importance; while the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendence of Lombardy has recognized its Archives as of particularly important historical interest.”

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Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
via Marconi, 7 – 25044 Capo di Ponte (BS), ITALY
tel: +39 0364 42091       fax: +39 0364 42572

Administrative office: info@ccsp.it
Library: biblioteca@ccsp.it
Director, Arch. Tiziana Cittadini: tiziana.cittadini@ccsp.it

Certified e-mail: centrocamunostudipreistorici@pec.it

VAT number: 00723710984
Identification code: 81003350170


Board of Directors


Honorary Chairman
Prof. Emmanuel ANATI

Chairman of the Board



Regular Councilors
Gaudenzio RAGAZZI

Consellours representing public institutions
Sergio BONOMELLI (Comunità Montana VC)
Giovanni PAROLINI (Municipality of Capo di Ponte)

Alternate Councilors

Auditors (2024/2026)
Massimo PADOAN
Francesco SERIOLI


Scientific Committee


Annaluisa Pedrotti
Department of Philosophy, History and Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Humanities, University of Trento, Italy

Mila Simões de Abreu
Department of Archaeology, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal

Ulf Bertilsson
Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, Institutionen för Historiska studier, University of Göteborg, Sweden

Tino Bino
Catholic University of Brescia, Italy

Secretary of the Committee: Federico Troletti




Direttore: Arch. Tiziana Cittadini

Archeologo: Dott. Nicola Pedergnana
Biblioteca: Dott. Matteo Scardovelli, Dott.ssa Elena Gatti
Laboratorio grafico e archivio: Valeria Damioli
Segreteria: Nives Pezzoni

Collaboratori: Dott.ssa Barbara Chiapello, Dott.ssa Natascia Druscovic, Dott.ssa Cristina Gastaldi, Dott.ssa Silvana Gavaldo, Dott.ssa Marisa Giorgi, Dott.ssa Sara Rigamonti

Borsisti anno 2024-25: Dott. Fabio Bona, Dott.ssa Laura Burigana, Dott.ssa Francesca Fapanni, Dott. David Martín Freire, Dott. Pietro Carlo Maria Giusteri, Dott. Nicola Pedergnana




Established, August 3, 1964

Recognized as an ‘Institution of National Interest’ (Law n. 123, April2, 1980).

Revised text approved by the General Assembly of Members on March 13, 1983

Revised text approved by the General Assembly of Members on November 17, 1996




Denominazione, sede e scopo


Established, August 3, 1964

Recognized as an ‘Institution of National Interest’ (Law n. 123, April2, 1980).

Revised text approved by the General Assembly of Members on March 13, 1983

Revised text approved by the General Assembly of Members on November 17, 1996



Art. 1) The non-profit organization named ‘Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici’ (referred to in the following pages as the ‘CCSP’) is established.

Art. 2) The head office is at Capo di Ponte. The Executive Council has the authority to institute sections or detachments in other locations, with proper regulations.

Art. 3) The purpose of the CCSP is to study prehistoric art and other elements regarding the economic, social and intellectual life of prehistoric and primitive man, with special concern for the Camunian civilization and other rock-art producing cultures.

Art. 4) In order to attain these objectives the CCSP intends to:

  1. a) Carry out researches in Valcamonica for the study, illustration and diffusion of knowledge of Camuniam rock art and of other archaeological findings from the valley;
  2. b) Promote, stimulate and realize research projects in the field of rock art in other regions and countries, while maintaining the operational base in Valcamonica, in itself a natural reserve of prehistoric rock art of global importance;
  3. c) Carry out specialized studies and research in the field of rock art, without geographical restrictions. Such studies and research may be realized by the Centro on its own as well as in collaboration with other national, foreign or international organizations, according to the particular demands or needs of each specific case;
  4. d) Publish research related to the advancement of prehistoric and ethnological sciences, and to the study and knowledge of prehistoric art and other intellectual and cultural expressions of primitive and prehistoric man;
  5. e) Organize conferences, courses, meetings, competitions, research symposia and study seminars, and to give life to a scientific and cultural forum in the Valcamonica, with the purpose of training and favoring scholars and students in the aims and methods of the fields of interest of the CCSP.
  6. f) Gather tracings, recordings, casts, artifacts and other documents relevant to the fields of concern of the CCSP, in a collection which, with the support of qualified authorities, should become a Camunian Museum of Prehistoric Art;
  7. g) Favor professional and qualified training to Italian and foreign personnel in the field of concern of the CCSP through tutoring, scholarships, study grants or other contributions;
  8. h) Contribute to scientific progress on an international scale and to the general study

of the origins of civilization, with specific reference to the artistic and other intellectual expressions of prehistoric man. The CCSP, through the above mentioned and other related activities, shall maintain its specific character of dedication to the study of the origins of thought and of the moral and intellectual values of human civilization.


Art. 5) The categories of members are effective, honorary and regular. The admission of a member is subject to the approval of the Executive Council. ‘Effective’ members include organizations and individuals who contribute significant support of a scientific or financial nature. The Executive Council can confer the title of ‘honorary’ member to organizations or individuals that through scientific merits or moral or financial support have proved themselves particularly valuable to the functioning of the CCSP and its activities.

‘Regular’ members are individuals or organizations that have paid the yearly membership fee determined by the Executive Council; they do not have voting power in the General Assembly.


Art. 6) The heritage of the CCSP is constituted by the yearly membership fees and by any other revenue and property of the CCSP.


Art. 7) The organs of society are:

  1. a) the General Assembly; b) the Executive Council; c) the Director; d) the College of Auditors of Accounts.

Art. 8) The General Assembly is made up of all ‘effective’ and ‘honorary’ members. The ‘Ordinary Session’ is held twice a year. The Assembly approves every year, by the end of November, the budget, and, by the end of March, the final account and elects the Executive Council. It also discusses all issues proposed by the Executive Council, by the Director and those which at least 40 members have requested registrations on the agenda of the Assembly. The Assembly holds ‘extra-ordinary’ sessions when the Chairman of the Executive Council or a majority of the Executive Council retain it necessary, or when at least one fifth of the members submit such a request. The convocation is sent to all ‘effective’ and ‘honorary’ members no less than 15 days before the date of each Assembly. The Assembly is valid when there are over half of the members present. If such a majority is not attained by the appointed hour, the Assembly can be held legitimately one hour later, no matter how many members are present. Each member has the right to one vote. Member organizations and institutions wishing to exercise their right to vote must inform the Secretariat of the Centro before the Assembly date, introducing their delegate.

Art. 9) The Executive Council is composed of no more than 11 members:

  1. a) Seven Councilors are elected every two years at the General Assembly, by secret ballot, from a list of members who have become candidates according to the appropriate procedure and of outgoing councilors who have not been specifically discharged (Elective Councilors);
  2. b) Up to four Councilors are nominated to represent public or private institutions which are close collaborators with the CCSP, and which provide concrete financial,

scientific or other contributions. Every two years the Executive Council proposes a selection of organizations for approval by the General Assembly; the chosen ones are invited to propose a representative to serve in the Council (Non elective Councilors).

  1. c) The first two not elected candidate members are considered Substitute Councilors, and participate in the meetings of the Executive Council.
  2. d) Councilors are elected for a two-year term, and can be re-elected. In the case of the resignation or death of an elective Councilor, the Council provides to the substitution, until the end of the two-years term.
  3. e) A Councilor who is unjustified absent for more than three consecutive Council meetings is automatically discharged of his/her duties.
  4. f) The Executive Council in its first meeting will provide to nominate a Chairman of the Council, a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary; all three members remain in charge until the end of the term of the Council, and can be re-elected. The Executive Council has the administrative responsibility of the CCSP and deliberates on related matters; it has a consulting function on the technical aspects of the CCSP activities. It meets at least twice a year, and every time that the Chairman of the Council, the Director of the CCSP or the majority of the Councilors retain it necessary. The meetings are valid when over half the Councilors are present. Deliberations are passed with two-thirds of the votes.
  5. g) The Chairman of the Council legally representsthe Centro; he summons and presides over the General Assemblies and the Executive Council meetings. In his absence he is substituted by the Vice-Chairman. The Secretary of the Executive Council keeps minutes of the General Assembly and of Executive Council meetings.

Art. 10) The Director of the CCSP, nominated by the Executive Council, directs the activities of the CCSP and assumes full responsibility for the technical-scientific activities. In particularly serious issues the Director will consult the Executive Council. The Director represents the CCSP in all its constitutional activities, at scientific congresses and in commissions.

The Executive Council appoints employees and staff of the CCSP, based upon the proposal presented by the Director, who is responsible for their activities. The Director is authorized to carry out directly all ordinary administrative operations within the limits defined by the budget.

Art. 11) The College of Auditors of Accounts consists of a team of three experts who are nominated by the General Assembly for two-years term among members and non-members. The auditors of accounts supervise over the budget.

Art. 12) In case of the CCSP dissolution the property of the CCSP shall be transferred to the Comunità Montana di Valle Camonica.

Art. 13) Any other point not referred to above will conform to what is established in the Civil Code in reference to Recognized Organizations.


Budget and Contributions

CCSP’s complete financial statements, approved by the Board of Directors, can be viewed at the office, consistent with office hours. In compliance with Law 124/2017, which introduced specific publicity and transparency obligations for all entities receiving funding from the public administration, we publish the list of public funding that has enabled the CCSP to carry out some of its activities.


Report Final Budget 2022

Budget Forecast 2023
Balance sheet report 2023
Integration into the balance sheet 2023

Budget Forecast 2024

Name: Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
Tax code: 81003350170

Contributions for the year 2023 (pubblished on  May 23, 2024)

DataEnte erogatoreCausaleImporto (in €)
12/01/2023Regione LombardiaContributo attività 20225.040,00
07/03/2023Regione LombardiaContributo 2022 cultura (II acconto)6.480,00
10/03/2023MIC2X1000 20213.417,23
05/05/2023FONDAZIONE DELLA COMUNITA' BRESCIANAContributo Bando Valle Camonica anno 20227.000,00
15/05/2023MICTRASFERIMENTO FONDI TABELLA TRIENNALE 2021-23 - anno 2023178.996,79
11/07/2023Regione LombardiaSaldo Regione Lombardia per bando a sostegno di progetti di promozione educativa culturale, anno 2022 - Credito 20222.880,00
01/09/2023Provincia di BresciaContributo anno 20222.000,00
12/09/2023Comunità Montana di Valle CamonicaI tranche contributo PIC8.180,00
14/11/2023MICContributo acquisto libri Biblioteca8.462,15
01/12/2023MICContributo Convegno 20233.870,72
01/12/2023MICContributo Pubblicazione 20234.611,62
01/12/2023MICContributo biblioteca 20232.998,00
15/12/2023Comunità Montana di Valle Camonica Saldo Pic6.820,00


Contributions for the year 2022

DataEnte erogatoreCausaleImporto (in €)
24/01/2022Regione LombardiaAnticipo contributo 2021 per promozione culturale VCS202111.125,44
18/02/2022Comunità montana Valle CamonicaContributo per VCS20214.000,00
31/03/2022MICIntegrazione contributo straordinario Legge 534 Tabella triennale35.694,00
10/05/2022MICContributo straordinario Legge 534 Tabella triennale178.996,79
25/05/2022Provincia di BresciaContributo VCS20212.400,00
04/08/2022MICContributo per convegno “L’arte rupestre della Valcamonica nel contesto alpino”5.898,00
05/09/2022MICContributo Pubblicazione “Arte rupestre e culture archeologiche a 40 anni dal
riconoscimento del sito UNESCO n.94”
03/10/2022MICContributo convegno VCS20212.008,00
05/10/2022MICContributo pubblicazione "Storia, arte e archeologia in Valcamonica, Sebino e
Franciacorta, Studi in onore di don Romolo Putelli"
24/10/2022MICContributo per acquisto libri Biblioteca8.730,17
17/11/2022MICContributo per biblioteca anno 20223.998,00
16/12/20225 per mille 2021-20221.151,54


Contributions for the year 2021

DataEnte erogatoreCausaleImporto (in €)
16/02/2021REGIONE LOMBARDIASaldo Tabella Triennale 2020 l. 2512.000,00
28/04/2021Ministero della CulturaContributo convegno 20201.798,00
25/05/2021MiurTabella TATRI 201812.898,73
01/08/2021MiurContributo tabella TATRI 201913.636,36
08/10/2021MICTabella Triennale legge 534 2021-2023135.998,00
29/10/2021Cinque per mille 2019 20201.311,34
05/11/2021MICContributo Convegno VCS 20213.123,00
12/11/2021MICContributo Pubblicazione 20211.998,00
15/11/2021MICContributo Biblioteca 2021998,00
16/12/2021MIURTabella TATRI 20208.956,87


Contributions for the year 2020

DataEnte erogatoreCausaleImporto (in €)
Riserva naturale incisioni rupestri Ceto Cimbergo e PaspardoCampagna scavi anni 2019-20183.100,00
Regione LombardiaContributo VCS20196.250,00
Provincia di BresciaContributo VCS20192.000,00
Regione LombardiaTabella Triennale L. 25 Anno 2020 (anticipo)12.000,00
Comunità Montana di Valle CamonicaContributo 40 anni dal Sito UNESCO (saldo)900,00
Comunità Montana di Valle CamonicaContributo progetto trame4.000,00
MIURTabella patrimonio8.956,87
MIBACtTabella triennale 202049.157,69
5×1000 20181.217,39
Regione LombardiaGaranzia Giovani regione Lombardia2.400,00
MIURAnticipo Tabella triennale 2017 DM4430.000,00
MIBACtContributo biblioteca2.401,00


Contributions for the year 2019

DataEnte erogatoreCausaleImporto (in €)
12/04/2019MIBACTContributo tabella annuale funzionamento enti37.998,00
07/08/20195 per mille (2016-2017)1.707,73
06/12/2019REGIONE LOMBARDIAContributo VCS2019 anticipo 75%18.750,00
09/12/2019MIBACTContributo Mibact anno del patrimonio 2018 IFRAO2.473,01
17/12/2019Comunità Montana di Valle CamonicaContributo VCS 20192.000,00
18/12/2019MIURContributo 2018 tabella triennale Enti attività diffusione scientifica8.956,87


Contributions for the year 2018

DataEnte erogatoreCausaleImporto (in €)
19/04/2018Comunità Montana Di Valle CamonicaOrganizzazione Congresso Ifrao5.000,00
18/06/2018Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismoAttività ordinaria37.998,00
Contributo tabella Triennale
Recover the past to discover the present 2018 - Eventi e manifestazioni18.000,00
Contributo Biblioteca e archivi
Catalogazione - Censimento, riordino, inventariazione e
pubblicazione sul web della sezione rilievi e foto storiche
dell’arte rupestre della Valcamonica sito UNESCO
dell’Archivio storico del CCSP
(aree di Campanine, Foppe di Nadro, Luine, Sellero)
16/08/2018Contributo 5x1000 2016Attività ordinaria1.237,18
22/10/2018Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismoBiblioteca2.498,00
31/10/2018Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismoOrganizzazione Congresso Ifrao2.398,00
05/11/2018Consorzio BIM Valle CamonicaOrganizzazione Congresso Ifrao7.000,00
06/11/2018Provincia di BresciaOrganizzazione Congresso Ifrao4.000,00
07/11/2018Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo
Soprintendenza Arch.
Monitoraggio archeologico2.498,87


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