New Worlds New Ideas – Congress 26-29 June 2024

31 May 2024

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (CCSP), founded in 1964 by Professor Emmanuel Anati. In these sixty years, CCSP researchers, many colleagues and entire generations of students have dedicated themselves to the study, conservation, and promotion of rock art, not only in Valcamonica but worldwide. The exploration of engravings and paintings on rock surfaces – in the open air, shelters, or caves – has evolved significantly, from an ultra-specialized subject to a recognized global phenomenon: a heritage shared by all humans, spanning continents and cultures.
In recent decades, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of researchers, projects, and studies in various regions of the NEW WORLD, from America to Oceania. This wave has led to the establishment of numerous courses, research centers, universities, and associations dedicated to the study of rock art, also accompanied by a growing public interest. This expansion has not only led to important discoveries and the identification of thousands of new sites with rock art, but has also stimulated the development of techniques, methods and NEW IDEAS.
To commemorate our 60th anniversary, we will host a meeting aimed at exploring and discussing developments in this “new world” of rock art research and innovation. The conference aims to welcome researchers and scholars from around the world, emphasizing how face-to-face interaction facilitates exchange and interaction among colleagues and between participants. A limited number of online presentations and digital posters will also be accepted.

Official languages of the Congress: English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese/Brazilian.




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