Articles are presented in the alphabetical order of authors\ Gli articoli sono presentati in ordine alfabetico degli autori | |
General program / programma generale |
Prehistory and World Heritage, Francesco Bandarin e Nuria Sanz | |
Opening Speech, Emmanuel Anati |
Dusko Aleksovski, Art rupestre base de l’écriture de notre planète | |
Emmanuel Anati & Federico Mailland, HK/86b, Palaeolithic ceremonial site at Har Karkom, holy mountain in the desert of Exodus |
Kaji Apollinaire, Les chefferies et la tradition de garder et de protéger les lieux sacrés |
Uzi Avner, Stone Drawings in Prehistoric Desert Cult Sites |
Batilde Bacci, Filogenesi e Ontogenesi della Creatività | |
Paolo Emilio Bagnoli, Absolute Dating of Rock Art on Flat Marble Surfaces | |
Rosetta Bastoni, Mitologia mesopotamica e relazione con Har Karkom il Sinai ritrovato | |
Ulf Bertilsson, Images on the Rocks and in the Archives four centuries of documentations of prehistoric rock art in Sweden | |
Pierluigi Bolmida, Tracce traumatiche e bestiarî di pietra | |
Lisbeth Christensen Bredholt, Prehistoric art as source material for the Study of Religion | |
Gabriella Brusa Zappellini, Radici antropologiche dell’immaginario e del fantastico nell’arte animalistica del Paleolitico superiore | |
Evelyn Búcaro, Naj Tunich Caves | |
Roy L. Carlson, Ideological Content of Prehistoric Northwest Coast Art | |
Somnath Chakraverty, Interpreting Rock Art in India | |
Christopher Chippindale, Prehistoric art, ideology and society: deducing ideology in the long-term sequence of Alpine rock-art | |
Jessica Joyce Christie, Power Speaks Through Rock: Stone Ideology of the Inka | |
Tiziana Cittadini, Gli spazi dell’intervento moderno nelle aree istoriate | |
Fernando Coimbra, Portugese post-paleolithic filiform rock art in a European context: similarities and differences | |
Anne Jodon Cole, Linking the past and the present: the role of historical consciousness in rock art interpretation | |
Hipólito Collado Giraldo, Arte e ideología en los primeros grupos agricultores de la península ibérica | |
David Coulson, Dangers for African rock art, traveling exhibitions and the Abasuba Peace Museum | |
Jean-Paul Coussy, Roucadour l’art initial gravé |
Asok Datta, From Rock Art to Tribal Art in Eastern India | |
Lynn Cullens & Lysa Hochroth, Presentation of the Virtual Rock Art Museum Prototype (RAMP | |
Ana Lúcia Ferraz, Approche méthodologique d’un ensemble de monolithesdécores Néolithiques de la région d’Évora (Alentejo-Portugal) | |
Angelo Fossati & Mila Simoes de Abreu, Early metallurgist art and ideology | |
Åsa C. Fredell, The Kalleby experiment | |
Peter Friess, The Tech Museum (San José, California, USA) | |
Cristina Gastaldi, Giostre, cavalieri e armi tra arte rupestre e immaginario cortese | |
Silvana Gavaldo, Pede pulsanda tellus | |
Mohamed Elhedi Ghrabi, Les peintures rupestres de Ghomrassen | |
Lysa Hochroth, Rock art sites and museums: real and virtual contexts and communities | |
Katalin Jankovits, Le rappresentazioni antropomorfe sulla ceramica e i pendagli antropomorfi di bronzo nell’etá del bronzo in Ungheria | |
José Antonio Lasheras Carmen De Las Heras, Museography And museology of cave art at the Altamira Museum | |
Maria Laura Leone, The Phosphenic Deer Cave of Badisco Art and Myth of the Shadows in Depth | |
Jorge Antonio Miguel Lopez, The Rock Painting of Yutecoo River, Oaxaca México | |
Daniel Lysek & Daniela Gariglio, L’attività creativa nella preistoria: un’espressione di tracce di benessere? | |
Federico Mailland, Geoglyphs on the Har Karkom plateau (Negev, Israel) | |
Ida Mailland, Har Karkom : proto-arte agli albori del Paleolitico Superiore | |
Riccardo Manzotti, Arte preistorica ed esternalismo | |
Alberto Marretta, Il Coren di Redondo (Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica) | |
Angelo Martinotti, Instrumentum rituale | |
Bruna Marzi, La rappresentazione del ragno nell’arte rupestre e nel sogno | |
Gerhard Milstreu, Rock Art in Scandinavia | |
Guillermo Munoz & Judith Trujillo, GIPRI – (Colombia) | |
Lutay N’Kanza, Histoire de l’art préhistorique du bas-Congo : orientations herméneutiques | |
George Nash, Warriors and Damsels in distress: the Megalithic art and statue menhirs of Guernsey, Channel Islands | |
Perrice Nkombwe, Prehistoric Art and Museology: the Case of the Livingstone Museum, Zambia | |
Luiz Oosterbeek, Is Ideology a possible topic in rock art studies? | |
Marcel Otte, Arts et Pensées au Paléolithique supérieur européen | |
Nicola Peluffo, Le Steli e i Santuari come palcoscenico delle manifestazioni dell’Immagine | |
Sadasiba Pradhan, Rock Art and Tribal Art of Orissa | |
Andrea Rocchitelli, La percezione visiva come mediatore intergenerazionale degli affetti | |
Giulia Rossi, Le figure fantastiche e mitologiche nell’arte rupestre camuna | |
Andrzej Rozwadowski, Siberian rock art and shamanism | |
Umberto Sansoni, Campanine di Cimbergo (Valcamonica). Introduzione all’indagine sul contesto rupestre | |
Serena Solano & Alberto Marretta, Pagine di pietra | |
ManuelaTartari, Le rappresentazioni complesse nelle incisioni rupestri | |
Federico Troletti, Architettura militare sulle rocce di Campanine di Cimbergo: ipotesi ricostruttive e confronti | |
Tsoni Tsonev, Ideology of social change in the Eneolithic/Bronze Age parietal art in the Magura cave, North-west Bulgaria | |
Grigori Vahanyan & Vahan Vahanyan, The Intercultural relations between Old Europe and Old Armenia | |
Vahan Vahanyan, Comparative Analysis of the Armenia and World Rock Art | |
Rina Viers, Les gravures protosinaïtiques sont alphabétiques | |
Malde Vigneri, Il trauma della nascita dell’Io | |
Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, Une éclipse solaire prévue et observée dans la Vallée des Merveilles | |
Thomas Wyrwoll, The Return of the Knights. Fragments of the ethnic history of the C-Group people inferred from rock art | |
Thomas Wyrwoll, South Arabian Rock Art: Dating Attempts from Art History | |
Mauro Zanchi, Arte primordiale di Beuys e arte preistorica | |
Manuela Zanetta, La figura dell’armato nell’arte rupestre camuna l’esempio di Campanine di Cimbergo | |
Adolfo Zavaroni, Footprints as a symbol of a divine guide of souls: focus on the Scandinavian Rock Art | |
Christian Züchner, Ships on Scandinavian Rocks |