
Who's Who in Rock-art, third edition (WWR3)

The first edition of Who’s Who in Rock Art was published in 1985 and the second came out eleven years later in 1996. Thirty years after the first, a third is underway. The third edition commemorates the founding of the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici in 1964 and is published in honour of the first editor, Ariela Fradkin Anati.

A review of the changing world of rock-art studies—people, what they do and where—can only be written once the information has been collected.

  • Completed questionnaires .doc
  • YAML e WWR3

There are five WWR3 questionnaire templates:

personal information file: wwr3-2016-main.doc bibliographic records: wwr3-article.doc

Completed questionnaires should be renamed using the following convention. Imagine a person called Ami Aname; files would be renamed as shown below:
aname_ami-wwr3-article1.doc, aname_ami-wwr3-article2.doc, etc.
aname_ami-wwr3-book-by1.doc, aname_ami-wwr3-book-by2.doc, etc.
aname_ami-wwr3-book-edited1.doc, aname_ami-wwr3-book-edited2.doc, etc.
aname_ami-wwr3-book-section1.doc, aname_ami-wwr3-book-section2.doc, etc.

Please send completed questionnaires and suggestions to

Regarding technicalities, in 1984, António Guerreiro adopted dBase, a relational database management system. Nowadays, WWR3 is using far more flexible treelike notations for structuring the information. Although the WWR3 questionnaires may look rather plain, they are written in YAML (a recursive acronym for YAML Ain't Markup Language), a notation discernible to both humans and computers. YAML can be converted to common formats like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and XML (Extensible Markup Language).

Completed questionnaires should be renamed using the following convention. Imagine a person called Ami Aname; files would be renamed as shown below:
aname_ami-wwr3-article1.yaml, aname_ami-wwr3-article2.yaml, etc.
aname_ami-wwr3-book-by1.yaml, aname_ami-wwr3-book-by2.yaml, etc.
aname_ami-wwr3-book-edited1.yaml, aname_ami-wwr3-book-edited2.yaml, etc.
aname_ami-wwr3-book-section1.yaml, aname_ami-wwr3-book-section2.yaml, etc.

Please send completed questionnaires and suggestions to

There are five WWR3 questionnaire templates:

personal information file: wwr3-2016-main.yaml bibliographic records: wwr3-article.yaml