IFRAO 2018 in Valcamonica
At its meeting of 4 September 2015 in Caceres, Spain, the IFRAO committee chose Valle Camonica as the location for the upcoming XX INTERNATIONAL ROCK ART CONFERENCE IFRAO 2018 and named the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camunian Centre for Prehistoric Studies) and the Cooperativa Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo” (Archaeological Cooperative “The Footsteps of Man”) as the organisers of the event.
Valle Camonica was chosen because it was the first rock art site in the world (together with the Vallée de la Vézère in France) to be entered in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In subsequent years a further 23 areas were added to the list, making Valle Camonica a pioneering choice that brought this fundamental manifestation of the human mind (previously considered a mere curiosity) to world attention as a founding moment of human culture.
The theme this year - “Standing on the shoulders of giants / Sulle spalle dei giganti” - truly expresses the idea that ancient art with its endless symbolism and archetypes might form a major resource for modern man, allowing him to look beyond and above current cultures.
The International Federation of Rock Art Organisations (IFRAO) was created in Darwin (Australia) on 3 September 1988 by nine organisations dedicated to the study of prehistoric rock art. Its purpose was to act as a democratic advisory body promoting actions in support of the research activities of member organisations bringing about a synergistic vision of the study of rock art. In the course of the last 27 years, the number of member organisations has risen to 56, from all over the world and the number of members has risen to around 35,000, making IFRAO the largest organisation in the world bringing together specialists in the disciplines linked to the study of rock art. The first goal of IFRAO was the standardisation of various aspects of the discipline, essential for effective collaboration and communication. Over time, this aim was supplemented with activity in the field of the protection and conservation of rock art: the federation has become the principle international body pursuing the conservation of prehistoric rock art.
The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camunian Centre for Prehistoric Studies) and the Cooperativa Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo” (Archaeological Cooperative “The Footsteps of Man”) have brought the rock art of Valle Camonica (and many other sites around the world) to international attention through research, promotion and dissemination activities including exhibitions, conferences, publications and the Valcamonica Symposium.
There have been many IFRAO World Conferences across 27 years beginning in Australia (Cairns) in 1992, in Portugal (1998 and 2006), followed by India, the USA, Bolivia, Brazil, Russia, France and China and, most recently, Spain (Caceres). The next meeting - in Valle Camonica - will see between 800 and 1200 participants from every continent, streaming links with universities, parallel presentation sessions, round tables on the origins of rock art and visits to rock art sites and exhibitions. It will also be an opportunity to present to the world the archaeological heritage of Valle Camonica in all its territorial expansiveness and unique chronology, the innovative scientific research being undertaken, approaches to data management and ways of presenting rock art themes in museums.
Location of IFRAO 2018
The IFRAO 2018 Congress sessions will be hosted at the prestigious venue of Darfo B.T. Congress Centre and in the connected location of the Consolata. The Congress Centre occupies a structure of more than 3,000 sq. m.; designed by Gregotti and Associati studio, one of the most prestigious Italian architectural firms of international renown
Centro Congressi
via Romolo Galasso
25047 Darfo Boario Terme (Bs) - ITALY
(for interactive map click here)
IFRAO 2018 General Secretary
Angelo Eugenio Fossati (Coop. “Le Orme dell”Uomo” – Università Cattolica di Milano)
Scientific coordinator (CCSP - Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici)
Mila Simões de Abreu (UTAD-CETRAD - CCSP - Coop. “Le Orme dell”Uomo”)
Scientific Coordinator (Cooperativa archeologica “Le Orme dell'Uomo”)
Andrea Arcà (Coop. “Le Orme dell”Uomo” – Università di Pisa)
Local Coordinator
Tiziana Cittadini (CCSP), Paolo Medici (CCSP), Valeria Damioli (CCSP)
IFRAO President
Hipolito Collado Giraldo (ACINEP)
IFRAO Convener
Robert Bednarik (AURA - CARA)
Members of the scientific commission
André Prous (Dep. de Antropologia e Arqueologia, Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Andrea Arcà (Coop. “Le Orme dell”Uomo” - Università di Pisa, Italy)
Angelo Eugenio Fossati (Coop. “Le Orme dell”Uomo” - Università Cattolica di Milano, Italy)
Bansi Lal Malla (Indira Ganhi National Centre for the Arts, India)
Claire Smith (Department of Archaeology, Flinders University, Australia)
Fidelis Masao (EARARA, East African Rock Art Research Association, Tanzania)
Guillermo Munoz (GIPRI, Grupo de Investigación de Arte Rupestre Indigena, Colombia)
James Keyser (Oregon Archaeological Society, USA)
Jean Clottes (INORA, Société Préhistorique Ariège-Pyrénées - ARAPE, France)
Jean Löic Le Quellec (CNR, AARS - Association des Amis de l’Art Rupestre Saharien, France)
Jo Mcdonald (Centre for Rock Art Research and Management, University of Western Australia)
José Julio Garcia Arranz (ACINEP Asociación Cultural Instituto de Estudios Prehistóricos, Spain)
Maria Giuseppina Ruggiero (Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo, Italy)
Mila Simões de Abreu (UTAD-CETRAD – AARP – CCSP – Coop. “Le Orme dell”Uomo”, Portugal/ Italy)
Paul Taçon (PERAHU – Griffith University, Australia)
Valerie Feruglio (PACEA - UMR5199 - Université de Bordeaux, France)
Scientific commission of the CCSP
Annaluisa Pedrotti (Università di Trento, Italy)
Mila Simões de Abreu (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal)
Raffaele De Marinis (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Ulf Bertilsson (Göteborgs Universitet, Sweden)
Tino Bino (Università Cattolica di Brescia, Italy)
Executive Committee
General coordinator: Tiziana Cittadini
Secretary: Nives Pezzoni
Editing: Valeria Damioli
Logistic and reception: Medici Paolo, DMO
Ceremonial and relation with the international organizations: Roberta Alberotanza
Communication: Roberta Alberotanza, Valeria Damioli with the support of Explora
Tuesday 28 August |
14:30 – 18:30 | Registration of Participants |
Wednesday 29 August |
9:00 – 11:00 | Opening ceremony |
11:00 – 11:20 | Break |
11:20 – 13:00 | Sessions |
1A Modern (re)uses of rock art: art, identity and visual culture. |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 – 18:40 | Sessions |
1A Modern (re)uses of rock art: art, identity and visual culture. |
19:00 | Ice-break party and concert of the city marching band |
20:30 - 22:00 | Room B - Workshop: Round table discussion on the Chronology of Valcamonica Rock Art. Chaired by Angelo E. Fossati |
Thursday 30 August |
8:45 - 13:00 | Sessions |
1A Modern (re)uses of rock art: art, identity and visual culture. |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 – 18:20 | Sessions |
1A Modern (re)uses of rock art: art, identity and visual culture. |
16:40 – 18:20 | 1B Centro congressi -
Slide show and presentation of the exhibition Martin Gray: Rock art on a global scale: the primacy of sacred places as contrasted to the paleoart depictions at them |
18:30 - 19:30 | Plenary Lecture. Jean Clottes: Cave art in Europe |
21:00 | Night guided visit to a rock art site |
Friday 31 August |
9:00 – 13:00 | Local Excursions: Naquane National Park and Massi di Cemmo National Park (read the note*) |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 – 18:30 | Sessions |
3A Rock art and human use of space in desert landscapes: a comparative perspective. CHAIRS: Guadalupe Romero Villanueva, Zaray Guerrero Bueno, Marcela Sepúlveda |
16:40 – 18:20 | I3 – Consolata - Film by Mikko Ijäs The Origins : Fragments of the Hunt |
20:00 | Gala dinner |
Saturday 1 September |
8:45 - 13:00 | Sessions |
3A Rock art and human use of space in desert landscapes: a comparative perspective. CHAIRS: Guadalupe Romero Villanueva, Zaray Guerrero Bueno, Marcela Sepúlveda |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 – 18:20 | Sessions |
3A Rock art and human use of space in desert landscapes: a comparative perspective. CHAIRS: Guadalupe Romero Villanueva, Zaray Guerrero Bueno, Marcela Sepúlveda |
18:30 – 19:30 | IFRAO Meeting |
21:00- 23:00 | EVENT organized by Distretto Culturale di Valle Camonica |
Sunday 2 September |
8:45 – 13:00 | Sessions |
5A Made for being visible. Developing 3D methodologies for the study of rock art carvings. Managing suitability in sites with Rock Art. |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 – 18:20 | Sessions |
5A Made for being visible. Developing 3D methodologies for the study of rock art carvings. Managing suitability in sites with Rock Art. |
18:30 – 19:30 | ICOMOS – CAR open meeting |
note: the entrance ticket to the Rock Engravings National Park, loc. Naquane; MUPRE - National Museum of Prehistory of Valle Camonica and National Archaeological Park of the Massi di Cemmo is kindly offered by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Directorate General Museums, Polo Museale of Lombardy. The cost of registration is to cover the costs of logistics and transport
List of the sessions approved by the scientific committee
A northerners view on rock art. Aspects, mobility and materiality on the Scandinavian Rock Art
Johan Ling, Jan Magne Gjerde (E-mail contact: johan.ling@archaeology.gu.se)
Advances in Rock Art Research from the Kimberley, North-West Australia
Peter Veth, Jane Balme, Sue O’Connor (E-mail contact: peter.veth@uwa.edu.au; jane.balme@uwa.edu.au; sue.oconnor@anu.edu.au)
And the Holocene arrived: Post Palaeolithic Rock Art around the World
Hipólito Collado Giraldo, José Julio García Arranz, Manuel Bea (E-mail contact: hipolitocollado@gmail.com)
Anthropomorphic images in rock art
G. Terence Meaden, Herman Bender (E-mail contact: terencemeaden01@gmail.com)
Archaeoacoustics for rock art studies
Steven J. Waller, Legor Reznikoff (E-mail contact: wallersj@yahoo.com; dominiqueleconte@yahoo.fr)
Challenges and changes for rock art research in the digital age
Julian Jansen van Rensburg. Bernadette Drabsch, Rebecca Döhl (E-mail contact: rabbobi@zedat.fu-berlin.de; Bernadette.Drabsch@newcastle.edu.au; rebecca.doehl@hu-berlin.de)
Cultural context and significance of Eastern Polynesia and Easter Island's rock art
Patricia Vargas Casanova, Claudio Cristino-Ferrando (E-mail contact: kiritino@gmail.com)
Current Research in the Rock art of the Eastern Sahara
Paolo Medici, Maria Carmela Gatto, Paweł Lech Polkowski, Heiko Riemer, Frank Förster (E-mail contact: paolo.medici@hotmail.com; ppolkowski@o2.pl; mcg25@leicester.ac.uk; heiko.riemer@uni-koeln.de; frankfoerster@gmx.de)
Distribution, chronology and territoriality of upper Palaeolithic rock art. New discoveries and new approaches towards a review of the the phenomenon
Dario Sigari, Marco Garcia Diez, Valerie Feruglio (E-mail contact: dariothebig@anche.no; feruglio@free.fr)
Experiences of Colonisation: Rock art as a ‘subaltern’ narrative of Indigenous and First Nation Peoples lived experiences during colonial times
Daryl Wesley, Chris Buco, Jane Fyfe (E-mail contact: daryl.wesley@flinders.edu.au; Jane.Fyfe@research.uwa.edu.au; jafy62@live.com.au; archeocris@icloud.com)
Inscriptions in rock art
Stefania Casini, Angelo Eugenio Fossati, Blanca María Prósper, Joan Ferrer i Jané, Mohammed Maraqten (E-mail contact: scasini@comune.bg.it; indoling@usal.es; mmaraqten@qu.edu.qa; joan.ferrer.i.jane@gmail.com)
The history of rock art research
Jamie Hampson, Joakhim Goldhahn (E-mail contact: jamie.hampson@york.ac.uk)
Made for being visible. Developing 3D methodologies for the study of rock art carvings. Managing suitability in sites with Rock Art
Miguel Carrero-Pazos, Benito Vilas-Estévez, Alia Vázques-Martínez (E-mail contact: miguel.carrero@usc.es; benito.arborearqueoloxia@gmail.com; alia.vazquez.mtnez@gmail.com; miguel.carrero.pazos@gmail.com)
Managing sustainable rock art site
Tiziana Cittadini, Ramon Montes, Luis Jorge Gonçalves (E-mail contact: rmontes@prehistour.eu; tiziana.cittadini@ccsp.it)
Mens simbolica (Symbolic mind): questions on the mythic-symbolic process, from prehistory to the present day
Umberto Sansoni, Pier Luigi Bolmida, Federico Mailland, Gabriella Brusa Zappellini (E-mail contact: dip.ccsp@gmail.com; ala.archeo@libero.it)
Modern (re)uses of rock art: art, identity and visual culture
Andrzej Rozwadowski, Jamie Hampson, Marta Smolinska (E-mail contact: rozw@amu.edu.pl; jamie.hampson@york.ac.uk; martasb@op.pl)
New research in the rock art traditions of the Alps
Andrea Arcà, Angelo Eugenio Fossati, Damien Daudry, Silvia Sandrone (E-mail contact: ae.fossati@libero.it; aa_arca@yahoo.it; d.daudry@libero.it; ssandrone@departement06.fr)
“On the shoulders of giants”. People and Oral history in Rock-art
Mila Simões de Abreu, Pamela Smith, Guillermo Munoz, Cristina Gastaldi (E-mail contact: msabreu@utad.pt)
Pastoral Graffiti. Old World case studies in interpretative ethnoarchaeology
Giovanni Kezich, Marta Bazzanella, Silvia Sandrone, Adriana Gandolfi (E-mail contact: g.kezich@museosanmichele.it; m.bazzanella@museosanmichele.it; ssandrone@departement06.fr; adrianagandolfi2014@libero.it)
Pigments: from science to art
Ana Isabel Rodrigues, José Mirão, Peter Vandenabeele (E-mail contact: ana.rodrigues@ipma.pt)
Public policies and rock art, between research and preservation
Valerie Feruglio, Nathalie Fourment, Jacques Jaubert, Roberto Ontañon Peredo (E-mail contact: feruglio@free.fr; ontanon_r@cantabria.es)
Recent research developments in rock art research in the Middle East, Caucasus and neighbouring areas
Angelo Eugenio Fossati, Mohammed Maraqten, Dario Sigari (E-mail contact: ae.fossati@libero.it; mmaraqten@qu.edu.qa; dariothebig@anche.no)
Recent Rock Art Research in North America
Mavis Greer, James D. Keyser, Jack Brink (E-mail contact: mavis@greerservices.com; jkeyserfs@comcast.net)
Representations and Symbolism of Death in Rock Art
Larissa Mendoza Straffon, Roberto Martínez González (E-mail contact: mslariss@hotmail.com; nahualogia@yahoo.com.mx)
Representations of weaponry and tools in prehistoric, protohistoric and traditional tribal communities: an approach by archaeology and anthropology
Ana M. S. Bettencourt, Hugo Aluai Sampaio, Manuel Santos-Estévez, Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro, Alessandra Bravin (E-mail contact: anabett@uaum.uminho.pt; manuel.santos@mundo-r.com; zulfi04@hotmail.com; alessandra@cobratours-maroc.com)
Rock art - reflections of a cultural heritage
Suely Amancio Martinelli, Suely de Albuquerque, Carlos Xavier de Azevedo Netto (E-mail contact: suelyamancio@hotmail.com; lunalua2001@yahoo.com.br; xaviernetto@gmail.com)
Rock Art and Ethnography
Claire Smith, Sally K. May, Ines Domingo (E-mail contact: claire.smith@flinders.edu.au)
Rock art and human use of space in desert landscapes: a comparative perspective
Guadalupe Romero Villanueva, Zaray Guerrero Bueno, Marcela Sepúlveda (E-mail contact: guada.romero.arq@gmail.com)
Rock Art and World Heritage
Sally K. May, Jan Magne Gjerde, Paul S.C. Taçon (E-mail contact: sally.may@anu.edu.au; jan.magne.gjerde@uit.no; p.tacon@griffith.edu.au)
Rock Art for Bio Cultural Diversity
Kalyan Kumar Chakravarty, Sarit Chaudhury, Banshidhar Malla (E-mail contact: msk4747@yahoo.in; qlbadam@yahoo.com)
Rock art in the Italian peninsula and islands: issues about the relation between engraved rocks and painted, symbols, mountain areas and paths
Renata Grifoni Cremonesi, Anna Maria Tosatti, Anna Depalmas, Françoise Lorenzi (E-mail contact: renata.grifoni@unipi.it; annamariatosatti@gmail.com)
Rock art in landscape of motion
Paweł Lech Polkowski, Heiko Riemer, Frank Förster (E-mail contact: ppolkowski@o2.pl; heiko.riemer@uni-koeln.de; frankfoerster@gmx.de)
Rock Art Science
Robert G. Bednarik, Giriraj Kumar, Tang Huisheng (E-mail contact: robertbednarik@hotmail.com; girirajrasi.india@gmail.com; tanghuisheng@163.com)
Rupestrian archaeology, questions & answers: tools, methods and purposes
Andrea Arcà, Yang Cai, Paolo Medici, Giulia Rossi, Manuel Santos-Estévez (E-mail contact: paolo.medici@hotmail.com; giulia.rossi1984@hotmail.it; aa_arca@yahoo.it; ycai@cmu.edu)
Rupestrian expressions in historical periods
Federico Troletti, Philippe Hameau (E-mail contact: fedetroletti@libero.it)
Recurrent themes in world Rock-Art
Michel Jusmand, Pedro Paulo Funari (E-mail contact: micheljustamand@yahoo.com.br; ppfunari@uol.com.br)
Sex, drugs and rock & roll
Mila Simões de Abreu, Cristiane Buco (E-mail contact: msabreu@utad.pt; archeocris@icloud.com)
Shared traditions and cultural diversity in the Prehistoric Mediterranean Rock Art
Maria Giuseppina Gradoli, Guillaume Robin, Claudia Defrasne (E-mail contact: ggradoli@yahoo.it; guillaume.robin@ed.ac.uk; claudia.defrasne@gmail.com)
Statue-stele in Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean basin
Stefania Casini, Angelo Eugenio Fossati, Marta Diaz-Guardamino (E-mail contact: ae.fossati@libero.it)
Stylistic groups and social portrait at the dawn of complex societies
Luis C. Teira Mayolini, Roberto Ontañón Peredo, Marta Díaz-Guardamino, Pablo Arias Cabal (E-mail contact: luis.teira@unican.es; ontanon_r@cantabria.es)
"Things" in rock art of the world
Mila Simões de Abreu, Luis Jorge Gonçalves, Angelo Eugenio Fossati (E-mail contact: msabreu@utad.pt)
Payment of the full registration fee will entitle delegates to attend all conference sessions, receive conference material including the book of abstracts and to take part in social events and light refreshments (some planned excursions may incur extra costs)
The payment of the registration fee is mandatory for the speakers. We would like to remember to the speakers that the payment of the registration fee will not imply the acceptance of the abstract submitted.
The access to the halls in which there will be the presentations is free.
Payment of the full registration fee will entitle delegates to attend all conference sessions, receive conference material including the book of abstracts and to take part in social events and light refreshments (some planned excursions may incur extra costs)
Registration fees
Early registration (before 15 February 2018) € 100.00
Late registration (after 15 February 2018) € 150.00
Student (with student ID) - Early registration (before 15 February 2018) € 60.00
Student (with student ID) - Late registration (after 15 February 2018) € 100.00
Gala dinner € 40.00
night visit to a site with rock art € 15.00
Local Excursions: parco nazionale di Naquane, MUPRE and Massi di Cemmo € 15.00
To fill in the registration form click here.
CALL for POSTER – closed
Size: cm 70x100
Title: max 130 types (20 words)
Text: max 5500 types (850 words)
Short captions
Images: from 1 to 6
The IFRAO staff will provide for the printing. We propose two base models MOD A – MOD B, the file are available in .pdf format. The posters will be printed only at the reception of the registration form and the related fee payment. The poster will be not published in the book of abstracts, but they will be visible online on a dedicate page of the IFRAO website.
Call for papers: Special Session - closed
Due to a large influx of proposals for papers for the 20th INTERNATIONAL ROCK ART CONGRESS IFRAO 2018 and many more in the process of being submitted, we have decided to continue the call for papers that will be evaluted by the organizing committee only using a special form. Please fill in the form to submit your communication.
CALL for PAPERS has been extended until 19th of January, 2018 - closed
Due to a large influx of proposals for papers for the 20th INTERNATIONAL ROCK ART CONGRESS IFRAO 2018 and many more in the process of being submitted, we have decided to undergo a final extension of the deadline for the call for papers. This final deadline will be the 19th of January, 2018.
Abstracts should be sent to our email: ifrao2018@ccsp.it, session e-mail contact or submit your proposal
Including the following:
- The title of communication, the name of author, affiliation, session of interest
- An abstract in English with a maximum length of 200 words and 5-6 key-words
- Two images in .jpeg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
Deadline: 31th of December 2017
CALL for PAPERS - closed
The organizing committee is glad to announce the call for papers for IFRAO2018
Abstracts should be sent to our email: ifrao2018@ccsp.it, session e-mail contact or submit your proposal
Including the following:
- The title of communication, the name of author, affiliation, session of interest
- An abstract in English with a maximum length of 200 words and 5-6 key-words
- Two images in .jpeg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
Deadline: 30th of November 2017
The Call for Session has been closed the the 21th of February, soon the scientific committee will deliberate the accepted sessions.
The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici(CCSP) and the Società Cooperativa Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo”(Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society) have the pleasure to invite you to the 20th International Rock Art Congress which will be held in Valcamonica (Italy) from 29th of August to the 2nd of September 2018.
This major event takes place 50 years after the first "Valcamonica Symposium", marking 30 years since the foundation of IFRAO and the 30th anniversary of the Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society.
The congress will cover a range of topics relevant to rock art, archaeology, culture and society, from its first appearance to current forms. During five days, leading experts in the field, researchers along with young scholars and enthusiasts, will gather and present the latest results and studies on rock art, rupestrian archaeology and other relevant research fields on Palaeolithic and Post-palaeolithic art of all over the world. More than 30 sessions, workshops, key lectures, exhibitions, visits with live streaming of certain events are being planned. Excursions before and after the congress in Valcamonica and to others areas of the Alps are also being programmed.
The organizers invite session proposals, each led by at least 2 and a maximum of 4 people from at least two organizations. The accepted sessions will be chaired by at least two people attending the congress. The chairpersons of each of the sessions will be asked to promote, invite speakers, coordinate the presentation of papers and edit the session proceedings.
Session proposals should reach the congress secretariat by February 15 2017. The scientific committee will meet on February 28 and the list of chosen sessions will be published.
In the name of the organizing committee will hope to see you in Valcamonica,For more information: ifrao2018@ccsp.it
Vendors space during the congress - closed
During the IFRAO congress, the organization will make available a large space for the sale of books and other gadgets, at the ex Consolata in Boario, where most of the communication will be placed and next to the main congress hall. The hall will allow to each seller to have a space table of around 2 sq meters, the fee to expose is 100 €.
The proposals will be accepted until the spaces availabe will be sold out. The bookshop area will be opened one hour before the beginning of the sessions, during the breaks and until one hour after the end of the sessions. Our staff will take care of the survillance.
Exhibitions space - closed
During the IFRAO congress, it will be available a space dedicated for the exhibitions in the venue of the ex Consolata in Boario, where most of the communication will be placed and next to the main congress hall. Who is interested to present an exhibition, plase fill in the form with the technical details. We would like to remind that the costs of transport, installation and setup are at the expense of the proposer.
Getting to Valle Camonica
Valle Camonica can be reached thanks to the use of public transport – especially buses and trains – which, however, are very limited in this area. The best way to travel within the valley is by car; therefore, taking advantage of the rental service is strongly recommended.
The congress center (situated in via Romolo Galassi, 30 – 25047 Darfo Boario Terme, BS) and the connected locations where IFRAO 2018 events will take place are served by the train and bus stations of Darfo Boario Terme.
Valcamonica can be reached through the following airports: Bergamo - Orio al Serio (90 km); Milano Linate (140 km) and Milano Malpensa (190 km):
For those arriving from different airports than those described above, it is advisable to reach the city of Brescia and continue the journey to Darfo Boario Terme by train or bus.
Rent a car
Given the territorial conformation, the limited number of daily journeys made by public transportation and the hotels dislocation, the possibility offered by the car rental is the most convenient. To avoid changes and problems in moving, we recommend the rental of a car in the terminal of the arrival and departure airport. For further information, see the following website: https://www.rentalcars.com/en/.
Darfo Boario Terme can be reached through the A4 Milan - Venice highway, you have to get off the motorway in Seriate (if you are coming from Milan - Bergamo) or Brescia (if you are coming from Venice), here the signalization will led you on the SS 42 of Tonale e della Mendola (exit at km 76 °, Boario Terme). The town is also connected to the SP BS 510 Brescia - Lago d'Iseo highway.
Taxi service
Approximate cost for taxi ride (one way, payable directly to taxi driver):
Local trains
For detailed information about timetables and routes, please see the Trenord website: http://www.trenord.it/
From the Bergamo bus station (located near the central station, in front of the bus stop, where the bus coming from the airport stops); you can take the SAB autobus to Darfo Boario Terme, where the last bus stop is.
From the bus station of Brescia (located near the city central station); you can take the FNMA autobus to Edolo, the bus stop of your interest is Boario Terme autostazione.
Attention: you have to buy the ticket before boarding the bus. Tickets can be bought in the ticket office inside the bus and train station; it is recommended to always ask for the number of the shelter the bus will depart from, as it is subject to change.
Here a summary of the public transports timetables (click here)
Other solution
For further integrated mobility solutions, consult the website: http://www.muoversi.regione.lombardia.it/planner/
It is strongly recommended to inquire about the different transfer possibilities as soon as possible.
If requested in advance, it is possible to organize a collective bus to reach Valle Camonica without intermediate stops and in the shortest time possible.
The Organizing Committee, in collaboration with the “Cristallo Tour” Travel Agency, has arranged for a number of accommodation deals reserved for the speakers, in 3-star and 4-star hotels (limited to 150 people ca.), at agreed on prices. We invite you to submit your requests as soon as possible by filling in the form you have received via e-mail. The payment for the accommodation will be done directly on check in at the hotel.
Darfo Boario Terme is a thermal spring tourist vacation town, which offers several different accommodation options. Please, take note that Darfo Boario Terme is a small town without an urban public transport, consider to move by foot.
The hotels situated close to the Congress Centre are, as follow:
Hotel Sangalli **
Hotel San Marco B&B *** - www.hotelsanmarcoboario.it
Hotel Brescia *** - www.hotelbrescia.it
Albergo Il Castellino *** - www.albergoilcastellino.it
Albergo Milano *** - www.hotelmilanoboario.it
Hotel sorriso - Residence Vezzoli *** - www.albergosorriso.it
Hotel Diana *** - www.hoteldianadarfoboarioterme.com
Hotel Marcella *** - www.hotelmarcella.it
Hotel S.Martino **** - www.sanmartinohotel.com
Centro Congressi
via Romolo Galasso
25047 Darfo Boario Terme (Bs) - ITALY
(for interactive map click here)
You can book your room directly on the hotel's website or by using Booking.com. Other accommodation solutions are available with AirB&B and/or TripAdvisor.
Some lower-cost accommodation choices are also available in adjacent towns, among them is the Castello Hostel (www.ostellodivallecamonica.com) and Hotel Giardino ***(hotelgiardinobreno.com) in Breno. It is strongly recommended that you check the different public transport options between Breno and Boario by consulting the pertaining public transport timetables. Choosing this option, you are likely to have problems attending the evening events, as outside Darfo Boario Terme the public transportation service is very limited, especially during evening hours. The most convenient way to get around Valcamonica is by private car.
We also remind you that there is tourist tax of 1 € per day (caped at a maximum of 4 €) to be paid in cash at the hotel.
The accommodation packages proposed by the local DMO (Destination Management Organization) is available, click here.
In the end of the IFRAO 2018 Congress, the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camunian Centre for Prehistoric Studies) and the Coop. Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo” (Archaeological Cooperative “The Footsteps of Man”), in collaboration with Cristallo Tour Travel Agency, are pleased to invite you to lengthen your stay in Valcamonica and in the bordering regions.
The travel proposals will be activated only upon reaching the 30 participants.
The people, which are interested in this trip, are asked to complete the registration form. The payment request will be forwarded only upon reaching the minimum number of 30 participants. The costs indicated may be subject to slight variations that will be promptly reported to members.
If the minimum number of 30 participants will be unreached, the trip will be canceled.
Registration deadline: May, 31th, 2018.
Policy in the case of recession:
the recession before May 31st, 2018 will not result in any debit;
from June 1st to June 30th, 2018: there will be a penalty of 30% calculated on the amount of the trip;
from July 1s to August 1st, 2018 the penalty will increase up to 50%, calculated on the amount of the trip;
after August 1st, 2018: it will no longer be possible to withdraw and the full amount of the trip must be paid.
Technical notes:
The guided tours will be held in English.
Please, check that your documents are valid for the entrance into Switzerland and France
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The day is entirely dedicated to the visit of Valcamonica rock art; the site has been inscluded in the UNESCO World Heritage since 1979. During the day there will be a visit to the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (CCSP), its scientific archives and the library. The afternoon will be dedicated to the visit of the Seradina-Bedolina Archeological Park, and its Bronze and Iron Age rock art. Attendance fee: € 50.00 (min. 30 participants)
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DAY TRIP – Monday, September 3rd – Brescia |
In the historic heart of Brescia there are significant archaeological remains related to the monumental buildings of the Capitoline area of this ancient city. Subsequently occupied by the Longobards, Brescia is part of the UNESCO site “Longobards in Italy: Places of the Power”. The afternoon will be dedicated to a pleasant walk among the churches and squares of Brescia, those preserve a medieval plant and traces of the Venetian domination. Attendance fee: € 80.00 (min. 30 participants)
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2 DAYS TOUR – September 4th and 5th – Valtellina and Canton Grigioni (CH) |
Over two slopes of the Rhaetian Alps, between Valtellina and Canton Grigioni (CH). In two days will be visited, as follow: the "Rupe Magna" and Carchenna, Grosio castles, the statue stele of the Copper Age in the Palazzo Besta, the Church of S. Martino of Zillis and the “Museo retico” of Coira. Attendance fee: € 280.00 (min. 30 participants)
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2 DAYS TOUR – September 4th and 5th – Trentino and Alto Adige |
The first day will be dedicated to the visit of the prehistoric sites of Garda Lake and the palafitte site of Ledro. The second day will see as a main protagonist the South Tyrol Archaeological Museum dedicated to Ötzi: an old, 5300-year-old mummy of the Copper Age found in Val Senales with all its garments and equipment. The itinerary will continue to the Messner Mountain Museum (Castel Firmiano) and to the MART of Rovereto. Attendance fee: € 395.00 (min. 30 participants)
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3 DAYS TOUR – September 3rd, 4th and 5th – Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta e Valais (CH) |
The tour schedule includes the visit of the Egyptian Museum of Turin, recently redesigned; the visit of the Roman and medieval city of Aosta and the visit of the Archaeological Park and the Museum of the megalithic area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Once passed the Swiss border you will visit the “Musée d'Histoire du Valais” (hosted in the Canon castle) and the megalithic complex of Sion, Chemin des collines.
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3-DAYS TOUR – September 3rd, 4th and 5th – Monte Bego (F) |
The tour schedule includes the visit of the “Musée des Merveilles” (Tende) and a day-visit of the archaeological site of the Vallée des Merveilles (The site will be reached thanks to off-road vehicles; the visit will be held by the museum staff). Attendance fee: € 495.00 (min. 30 participants) |