Valcamonica Symposium 2015
50 years since the founding of  Centro Camuno
Capo di Ponte, 9th -12th September 2015

  • Presentation
  • Program
  • Book of abstract
  • Informazioni e iscrizione
  • Sponsor
  • Press area

Culture grows thanks to exchanges. This is why the Centro Camuno, since its origins, has encouraged meetings and discussions among scholars and specialists in different disciplines in the Valcamonica Symposium.
The 26th Valcamonica Symposium, from 9th to 12th September 2015, follows this same outlook in a renewed manner under the direction of a new scientific committee.
The title, "Prospects on prehistoric art research: 50 years since the founding of the Centro Camuno", celebrates a long tradition of research in Valcamonica, opening up new prospects for study and collaboration.

Mila Simões de Abreu : University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal
Ulf Bertilsson : Director of Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, University of Göteborg, Sweden
Tino Bino : Catholic University of Brescia, Italy
Filippo Maria Gambari : Archaeological Superintendent of Lombardy, Milan, Italy
Raffaele de Marinis : University of Milan, Italy
Annaluisa Pedrotti : University of Trento, Italy
Cesare Ravazzi : CNR – IDPA, Laboratory of Palynology and Palaeoecology, Research Group Vegetation, Climate and Human Stratigraphy, Milan, Italy
Segretario Comitato: Federico Troletti

Wednesday, September 9            
Registration of participants                                     
Opening of the Conference - Greetings of the authorities
SESSION 1: Recording and data management techniques in rock-art
Coordinated by: Annaluisa Pedrotti - University of Trento, Italy and Filippo Maria Gambari - Soprintendente ai Beni Archeologici della Lombardia
SESSION 2: Rock-art management and relations with the territory
Coordinated by Tino Bino - Catholic University of Brescia, Italy
ROUND TABLE: Tourism, sustainability and conservation of cultural heritage
Coordinated by Roberta Alberotanza

Thursday, September 10         
SESSION 3: Archaeological context and rock art
Coordinated by: Angelo E. Fossati - Catholic University Sacred Heart of Milan, Italy and Annaluisa Pedrotti - University of Trento, Italy

Friday, September 11                
SESSION 4: Updates on world rock art
Coordinated by: Mila Simões de Abreu - University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal

Saturday, September 12          
SESSION 5: Changes in rock art dating methods
Coordinated by: Ulf Bertillson - Director of Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, University of Göteborgs, Sweden
SESSION 6: Understanding rock-art in the environmental context and in relation to territory
Coordinated by: Cesare Ravazzi - CNR – IDPA, Laboratory of Palynology and Palaeoecology, Research Group Vegetation, Climate and Human Stratigraphy, Milan

The general public invited to attend the event – free access to the lecture room. The activities marked with an asterisk (*) are reserved only to VCS members.
Work program and timetable of sessions - updated September 1st

Wednesday, September 9

9:30 - 9:00 Registration of participants
9:00 - 10:00 Opening of the Conference - Greetings of the authorities
10:00 - 13:10 Session 1: Recording and data management techniques in rock-art (Chairs Annaluisa Pedrotti & Filippo Maria Gambari)
13:30 - 14:40 break
14:40 - 16:00 Session 2: Rock-art management and relations with the territory (Chair Tino Bino)
16:00 In memory of Umberto Cerqui, CCSP President from 1999 to 2013
17:00 - 18:30 ROUND TABLE: Tourism, sustainability and conservation of cultural heritage (Chair Roberta Alberotanza)
19:00 Break ice aperitif *

Thursday, September 10

9:00 - 12.30 Session 3: Archaeological context and rock art (Chairs Annaluisa Pedrotti & Angelo E. Fossati)
12:30 - 13:00 Posters session
13:00 - 14:30 break
14:30 - 18:00 Guided visit to Boulders of Cemmo and the Museum of Prehistory (MUPRE) *
20:00 Social dinner *

Venerdì, 11 settembre

9:00 - 13.00 Session 4: Updates on world rock art (Chair Mila Simões de Abreu)
13:00 - 14:30 break
14:30 - 18:00 Session 4: Updates on world rock art (Chair Mila Simões de Abreu)
21:00 Foppe Nadro by night - visit to rock-art with artificial light (Riserva naturale incisioni rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo) *

Saturday, September 12

9:00 - 13.00 Session 5: Changes in rock art dating methods (Chair Ulf Bertilsson)
13:00 - 14:30 Break
14:30 - 17.30 Session 6: Understanding rock-art in the environmental context and in relation to territory (Chair Cesare Ravazzi)
18:00 Conclusions, resolutions, recommendations

Download the complete program in .pdf format

Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6

Session 1 : Recording and data management techniques in rock-art
Coordinated by: Annaluisa Pedrotti (University of Trento, Italy)& Filippo Maria Gambari (Soprintendenza Archeologia Lombardia, Italy)
download book of abstract: session 1

Ulf Bertilsson Examples of application of modern digital techniques and methods, Structure for Motion (SFM) and Multi-view Stereo (MVS) for
three-dimensional documentation of rock carvings in Tanum
Andrea Arcà 2D, or not 2D, that is the question: rilievo iconografico bidimensionale  e gestione dei rapporti di relazione/sovrapposizione sulla Grande Roccia di Naquane, Valcamonica .pdf

Nicola Pedergnana
& Fabio Cavulli

Un approccio multilayered alla documentazione e interpretazione dell'arte rupestre. L'integrazione delle tecniche di rilievo a Pianaura (Massone, Arco di Trento) .pdf
Paolo Medici
& Giulia Rossi
Valcamonica 3.0: a new dimension in rock-art recording from tracing to structure from motion and post-processing .pdf
Carla Mannu, Giuseppe Rodriguez, Giuseppa Tanda & Massimo Vanzi Nuovi sviluppi nelle tecniche di stereofotometria 3D di incisioni e rilievi. Applicazioni nella tomba XV di Sos Furrighesos, Sardegna .pdf
Cláudia Matos Pereira
& Mila Simões de Abreu
Diversos olhares para uma figura da Arte Rupestre em Valcamonica: uma experiência de levantamento .pdf
Serena Solano Verso il corpus delle iscrizioni camune: due iscrizioni inedite nel Parco Nazionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Naquane (Capo di Ponte, Bs) .pdf
Filippo Maria Gambari
& Maria Giuseppina Ruggiero
L'attività della Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia tra il 2014 e il 2015: Il MUPRE, la rete dei parchi d'arte rupestre e il progetto di monitoraggio conservativo con la Legge UNESCO 77/06 EF 2010  

Sessione 2 : Rock-art management and relations with the territory
Coordinated by: Tino Bino (Catholic University of Brescia, Italy)
download book of abstract: session 2

Fabio Copiatti
& Elena Poletti
L'alberiforme da incisione rupestre a logo di un'area protetta: l'esperienza di studio dei petroglifi del Parco Nazionale Val Grande .pdf
Anne Cole Beyond Fieldwork & Documentation: National Museum's Representation of Rock Art .pdf
Tiziana Cittadini
& Federico Troletti
Riserva di Ceto Cimbergo e Paspardo: Conservazione, ricerca e divulgazione .pdf
Mário Monteiro Benjamim From interpretation of the Site to the Project: a proposal for the Rock Art of the Tagus Valley

Sessione 3 : Archaeological context and rock art
Coordinated by: Angelo E. Fossati (Catholic University Sacred Heart of Milan, Italy) & Annaluisa Pedrotti (University of Trento, Italy)
download book of abstract: session 3

Sergio Poggianella Riparo Dalmeri. Un paesaggio del sacro .pdf
Federico Mailland Ritual ibex hunting in the rock art of the Near East .pdf
Fernandez Rui Marcos
& Spanedda Liliana
L'arte rupestre schematico e la sua relazione con i siti neolitici della provincia di Granada (Andalusia, Spagna) .pdf
Manuel Santos-Estévez Looking out to sea: Bronze Age rock art and navigation .pdf
Umberto Sansoni Caratteri di versante e d'area nel contesto rupestre della Valcamonica. Note sulla distribuzione tematica e di fase .pdf
Andrea Arcà Naquane, Grande Roccia, analisi preliminare delle figure di paletta e rapporti con i reperti di cultura materiale  
Francesca Roncoroni I coltelli tipo Introbio e Lovere: ipotesi sui modelli di derivazione sulla base delle attestazioni iconografiche .pdf
Monica Pavese Rubins Sun, water and sacred mountain between the Romans and the Camunians .pdf
Ralph J. Hartley
& Anne M. Wolley Vawser
The Socio-spatial Context of Rock-art in the Purgatoire River Valley: An Exploratory Analysis .pdf
Juha Pentikäinen Recording Signs on Shamanic Epic on the Rocks of the cliffs around the Arctic .pdf

Sessione 4 : Updates on world rock art

Coordinated by: Coordinated by: Mila Simões de Abreu (University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro - UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal)
download book of abstract: session 4

Mila Simões de Abreu & Gioconda Simões de Abreu Hand figures in the rock-art of Portugal: an introduction .pdf

Cristina Gastaldi
& Silvana Gavaldo

Alla scoperta di antichi contesti: spunti da Foppe di Nadro .pdf
Majeed Khan& Robert G.Bednarik A chronology of Saudi Arabian rock art .pdf
Franziska Knoll
& Harald Meller
Goats – as far as the eye can see Recording Rock Art in the Syunik highlands (Armenia) .pdf
Angelo E. Fossati Stato della ricerca in Oman .pdf
Livio Dobrez Evolutionary perceptual constants in rock art motifs .pdf
Federico Troletti Gli ostensori nell'archeologia rupestre: alcuni esempi e proposte di confronto .pdf
Luís Jorge Gonçalves
& Mila Simões de Abreu
Báculo e sua iconografia na arte rupestre .pdf
Marta Bazzanella
& Giovanni Kezich
Dentro le scritte dei pastori delle valli di Fiemme e Fassa .pdf
Jorge Rodrigues
& Mila Simões de Abreu
Etched in stone: games, never-ending patterns and labyrinths, from the pursuit of victory to the search for eternity .pdf
Marcell Otte Signes et symboles, facteurs du langage graphique .pdf
Ausilio Priuli Incisioni rupestri parietali in grotte della provincia di Brescia .pdf
Michel Justamand Representações fálicas nas pinturas rupestres da Serra da Capivara – Piauí – Brasil .pdf
Jessica Christie Archaeology and intangible heritage at canyon de Chelly, Arizona, United States: the perspective of rock art .pdf
Maria Mirtes dos Santos Barros Disegni su corteccia e arte rupestre: reminiscenze di una società di cacciatori-raccoglitori del Brasile .pdf
Stuart Harris Research prospects for prehistoric art .pdf

Sessione 5 : Changes in rock art dating methods
Coordinated by: Ulf Bertilsson (Director of Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, University of Göteborg, Sweden)
download book of abstract: session 5

Robert G. Bednarik The dating of Chinese rock art .pdf
Peter Skoglund Rock art in south-east Sweden: the local chronology and a wider context .pdf
Heidrun Stebergløkken Style dating of rock art in Central Norway - an outdated method? .pdf
Giancarlo Sani Ca' d'Diana. Una grotta cultuale in Lunigiana (Toscana Nord Occidentale) .pdf
Anna Maria Tosatti Nuovi elementi per la datazione del complesso di arte rupestre nella Grotta di Diana (Mulazzo, MS) .pdf
Jarl Nordbladh Carl Georg Brunius and a possible/non possible relation between scandinavian rock art and hieroglyphs  

Sessione 6 : Understanding rock-art in the environmental context and in relation to territory
Coordinated by: Cesare Ravazzi (CNR – IDPA, Laboratory of Palynology and Palaeoecology, Research Group Vegetation, Climate and Human Stratigraphy, Milan, Italy)
download book of abstract: session 6

Roberta Pini
& Cesare Ravazzi
Landscapes and climate history in Val Camonica since the late Upper Paleolithic: evidence from paleobotanical data .pdf
Andrea Zerboni An overview of Holocene climatic and environmental changes in northern Africa. Is it a support tool for rock art studies?  
Ana Isabel Rodrigues
& Mila Simões de Abreu
A first approach to chemical and mineralogical study of pigments from Lajeado Complex in Tocatins, Brazil .pdf
Stefano Armiraglio
& Cesare Ravazzi
The engraved rocks as a conservative natural habitat – an ecological perspective to the glacier whalebacks in the middle Valle Camonica (Northern Italy)  
Paolo Rondini Valle Camonica nell'età del Ferro: alcune riflessioni sui contesti insediativi .pdf

Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
Città della Cultura - Marconi Street, 7, 25044 Capo di Ponte (Bs) Italy
tel +39 0364 42091 fax +39 0364 42572


Speakers - CCSP members*: € 90
(This registration fee includes a copy of the VCS2015 proceedings, opening dinner, visit to rock-art sites in Valcamonica, according to the program);
*The annual fee of the “Centro” is only € 40 and it includes two numbers of the “Bolletino del Centro”.
Speakers not member of the Centro: € 150
(This registration fee includes a copy of the copy of the VCS2015 proceedings, opening dinner, visit to rock-art sites in Valcamonica, according to the program);

Speaker - Student: € 50
(the fee includes “Centro” membership, a copy of the VCS2015 proceedings, opening dinner, visit to , visit rock-art sites in Valcamonica, according to the program). To benefit from the concessional fee you have to have proof of university enrollment (in Italian or English);

Poster: € 60
(the fee includes graphical editing and the printing of the poster, more details from May 2015)

The general public invited to attend the event – free access to the lecture room

Getting to Valcamonica
Airports: Bergamo - Orio al Serio (90 km); Verona (110 km); Milano Linate (140 km); Milano Malpensa (190 km)
During the period of VCS2015 connections with shared taxi from the main airports will be organized at a special price.
Valcamonica can be reached by bus or train. To get to the event site by train or bus use the lines from Brescia or Bergamo to Capo di Ponte. Check the train timetables on the following web sites: (linea Brescia-Iseo-Edolo)

Special Offers
To insure a pleasant stay in Valcamonica, agreements are being made with hotels and restaurants. For more information contact the secretariat.

  • 24 agosto 2015: Conferenza stampa di presentazione del XXVI Valcamonica Symposium 2015 (sala Liberty delle Terme di Boario)
    Comunicato stampa 24 agosto 2015 (Download)
    Elenco relatori / autorità presenti alla conferenza stampa (Download)
    Manifesto del XXVI Valcamonica Symposium 2015 (Download)
    Scheda informativa sull’evento e sulle passate edizioni (Download)
    Scheda di presentazione del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Download)
  • Rassegna stampa 1 (Download)
  • Rassegna stampa 2 (Download)

XXVI Valcamonica Symposium 2015
info: Centro camuno di Studi Preistorici - tel +39 0364 42091 - mail