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Santuários III International Congress
sanctuaries, culture, art, romarias, pilgrimages, landscape, people
Valcamonica, Italy. 9-13 July 2016
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The third International Santuários Congress will be held in Valcamonica, Italy - the Landmarks Valley.

Valcamonica is one of those rare places in the world that narrates a long story rooted in spirituality. Its treasures include a rich collection of rock-art that has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage. The might of Roman domination was followed by a complex sequence of events accompanying the conversion to Christianity in the Alps. Its legacy includes countless churches, chapels, shrines and cult places.

The Santuários Congress was founded by a group of researchers from different fields based at universities in Europe. The aim is the study of the sanctuaries from prehistory, passing through Roman times, to contemporary forms of sanctity. One of the congress topics considers the continuity of places of worship and changes in use over the centuries.

We shall appreciate contributions on anthropology and history of religions connected to choice of place, architecture, use of sacred images and their dissemination along pilgrim paths. Pilgrimage, another of the threads uniting many religious sites in Europe and beyond, will be investigated and presented by researchers speaking at the conference.

Finally, to advance knowledge and raise awareness of sanctuaries, there will be a session on old and new pilgrimages and contemporary religious tourism with a focus on the Itinerary Cultural Council of Europe.

All papers presented at the conference will be published in the scientific journal entitled Santuários (numbers 5 and 6, 2016), which will be published by the University of Lisbon and CCSP. The two volumes will be distributed at the beginning of the congress.

Session topics
1) Sanctuaries and rituals from prehistory to Roman times
2) Art and iconography, models and lines of distribution
3) Architecture, art, devotion and sacred meeting places
4) New cults, pilgrimages and religious tourism
5) Sanctuaries, landscapes and natural environments

Registration fees for authors (prices include the congress proceedings): €60 (members of CCSP); €110 (non-members).
Attendees (includes guided tours): €50

registration form

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (updated July 4, 2016 - this is a preliminary program and it could change)
The general public invited to attend the event – free access to the lecture room.The activities marked with an asterisk (*) are reserved only to SANTUARIO CONGRESS members.

Saturday, 9 July
Capo di Ponte, MUPRE - Museum of Prehistory
Chair: Luis Jorge Gonçalves, Mila Simões de Abreu
9:00 Opening of the secretariat - registration and hand-out of materials to the participants
10:00 Opening of the conference - greetings of the Authorities
10:30 Session
12:00 Visit to MUPRE - Museum of Prehistory (*)
13:30 lunch break
15:00 Visit to NAQUANE, National Park of Rock Engravings (*)

Sunday, 10 July
10:00 Opening of the session Chair: Mila Simões de Abreu, Luis Jorge Gonçalves
12:40 lunch break
14:10 Opening of the session Chair: Giuseppa Tanda, José Julio Garcia Arranz
17:00 Visit to the Sanctuary of the Via Crucis (*)

Monday,11 July
10:00 Walking Tour from Cividate to Spinera (Breno), visit to the Roman Santuary of Minerva (*)
13:00 lunch break
Cividate C. - casa Malaguzzi
14:30 Session. Chair: Federico Troletti, Jorge Rodrigues
19:00 Performance “CAPIVARA” Lina do Carmo *

Tuesday, 12 July
Piancogno, Santuario SS. Annunciata
Chair: Claudia Matos Pereira, Federico Troletti
10:00 Session
13:20 lunch break
14:50 Visit to the Sanctuary of L' Annunciata (*)
15:20 Visit to rock art area of Piancogno (*)

Wednesday, 13 July
Bienno, Palazzo Simoni Fé
Chair: Roberta Alberotanza, Luis Jorge Gonçalves
10:00 Session
13:10 lunch break
16:00 Walking tour to the historic center of Bienno (*)
20:30 Nadro (Ceto): Visit the Museo Didattico di Nadro, night visit to the rock art area of Foppe Nadro (Natural Reserve of the rock engravings of Ceto-Cimbergo-Paspardo) (*)


“Valcamonica” art & territory project
drawings by Cláudia Matoos

Sacrae Voces - Caos Bianco
Concert with holy music, voice, guitar and cello, tibetan bells
PIEVE of S.SIRO in Capo di Ponte, 9th july 2016

Sacrae Voces is the first work of the duo Caos Bianco, composed by the singer and guitar player Silvia Drago and by the cello player and composer Luca Mario Colombo.
It contains 8 original songs about ancient holy texts in latin (Ave Maria, Alleluia, Kyrie, Magnificat, Sanctus, Angele Dei, Gloria).
Furthermore there is a sanskrit text (Kirtam) and there are some original verses.
The sense of the sacredness is represented in its deep dimension in pure and essential acoustics: all the songs develop on the melodic lines of the voice and of the cello.
Furthermore somentimes add the guitar and the “mystical sound” of the tibetan bell.
The ancient sang texts and the classical instruments meld in an original style that revoke the classical, contemporary, ethnic and light music.
The general atmosphere is suspended, essentially focused on a little number of sounds/elements projected in a silent background, that take back to a dimension of interior reflection, in a deep contemplation of the Holy. Recorded in 432 Hz. Duration of the concert: about 60 minutes.

1- Ave Maria
2- Alleluia
3- Kyrie
4- Sanctus
5- Magnificat
6- Angele Dei
7- Kirtam
8- Eterno Brivido (Gloria)


Abstracts, 30 April 2016
Abstracts (no more than 5000 characters, including spaces) in Italian, English, Portuguese or Spanish, should reach by 30 April 2016.

Appraisals, 15 May 2016
The scientific committee of Santuários III International Congress will appraise abstracts and select the contributions to be published and presented during the congress sessions. Authors will receive appraisals by 15 May 2016, as follows:
a) accepted, b) accepted with modifications, c) contribution declined.

Posters, 31 May 2016
Authors must send posters in Italian, English, Portuguese or Spanish to the editorial team by 31 May 2016. Posters must follow the following editorial criteria: title (no more than 130 characters including spaces); text (no more than 5500 characters, including spaces); short captions; images (1 to 6, TIFF or JPEG of appropriate sizes and resolutions). Preparation of graphics will be by agreement with authors, generally we propose two basic templates: Template A (poster_mod A.pdf) and Template B (poster_mod B.pdf).

Summaries and Papers, 31 May 2016
Authors must send summaries (no more than 1200 characters, including spaces) and papers (no more than 20,000 characters, including spaces) in Italian, English, Portuguese or Spanish to the editorial team by 31 May 2016. Papers must follow the editorial criteria.

Send text and images to For large files, use or


Luís Jorge Gonçalves
Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Portugal.
Mila Simões de Abreu
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal.
Cláudia Matos Pereira
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Portugal.
Federico Troletti
Università di Trento, Italy.
Ulf Bertilsson
Director of Swedish Rock Art Research Archives, University of Göteborg, Sweden.
Giuseppa Tanda
Università di Cagliari, Italy.
Silvia Malaguzzi
Institute of Technology, State University of New York, USA and Italy.
Giovanni Gregorini
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cruore di Brescia, Italy.
José Julio Garcia Arranz
Universidad de Extremadura, Spain.
Annaluisa Pedrotti
Università di Trento, Italy.
Jorge Rodrigues
Universidade Nova di Lisboa, Instituto de História da Arte, Instituto de Estudos Medievais, FCHS, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal.
Roberta Alberotanza
Past director Ist. Cultura all'Estero, Ministero Beni Culturali e Affari Esteri, Luxembourg.
Leonardo Guelman
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rossano Lopes Bastos
IPHAN, Brazil; Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal.
João Queiroz
Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Portugal.
Angelo E. Fossati
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cruore di Brescia, Cooperativa Archeologica «Le Orme dell'Uomo», Italy.
Jorge dos Reis
Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Portugal.
Salvador Rodríguez Becerra
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Filippo Maria Gambari, Soprintendente Archeologia Lombardia, Milan, Italy 
Raffaella Poggiani Keller, Former Soprintendente Archeologia Lombardia, Milan, Italy  

Mila Simões de Abreu
Ulf Bertillson
Annaluisa Pedrotti
Raffaele De Marinis 
Tino Bino 

Tiziana Cittadini 
Federico Troletti 
Mila Simões de Abreu
Claudia Matos Pereira 
Ludwig Jaffe 

Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, Italy
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Dep. Geologia, Unidade de Arqueologia, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Portugal
Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Portugal
Fondazione Civiltà Bresciana, Italy

Capo di Ponte, Cerveno, Nadro di Ceto, Cividate Camuno, Breno, Piancogno, Bienno
View interactive map

Getting to Valcamonica
Airports: Bergamo - Orio al Serio (90 km); Verona (110 km); Milano Linate (140 km); Milano Malpensa (190 km)
The most convenient way to reach Valcamonica from airports (and visit Valcamonica) is by car (see
To get to the event site by train or bus, use the lines from Brescia or Bergamo to Capo di Ponte. Check the train timetables on the following web sites: (linea Brescia-Iseo-Edolo)

Special offers
To assure a pleasant stay in Valcamonica, agreements are being made with hotels and restaurants. Contact the secretariat for further details.

Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
via G. Marconi 7
25044 Capo di Ponte (Brescia), Italy
Phone: +39 0364 42091


registration form

Capo di Ponte
Massi di Cemmo National Park: Two big engraved boulders and a prehistoric megalithic sanctuary. Remains include extraordinary monumental compositions dating back to Copper Age and surrounding stone structures. (reade more)
MUPRE Museo della Preistoria: housed in the old Villa Agostani in the historic centre of Capo di Ponte, has an exceptional collection of statue menhirs. (reade more)
Rock Art National Park of Naquane: was established in 1955, became the first park of Valcamonica. (reade more)

Sanctuary of the Via Crucis: During the 17th century at Cerveno, thanks to the will of the parish priest don Pietro Belotti, an artistic enterprise which would last more than one century was undertaken. The reasons hidden behind such an initiative must be found in the devotional stirrings inspired by the Holy Places of Palestine and by the Franciscan preaching, even if the work was commissioned and completely accomplished by the community of Cerveno. It consists of a Sacred Mountain–type sanctuary placed inside the village next to the parish church. Belotti’s original intention was to charge Andrea Fantoni di Rovetta (by the same sculptor it is recommended to observe inside the parish church the box wood main altar and the choir, the altar dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary, the statue of the Immaculate Conception and a Dead Christ), but, following the death of Fantoni (1734), the parish priest in charge, don Andrea Boldini, passed the commission to the sculptor Beniamino Simoni (1712-1787). (reade more)

Nadro di Ceto, rock art natural reserve of Ceto, Cimbergo and Paspardo
Foppe di Nadro:
After the visit to the didactic museum, you can continue on the ancient path that leads to the archaeological site of Foppe di Nadro, which has a succession of densely engraving surfaces organized in a pleasant route. The engravings date back to between the V millennium BC to the upper Middle Ages. Of particular importance are the figures from the Bronze Age (II millennium BC with a rich typology of weapons) and the phase of Etruscan influence.
Just before the engraved area is a small plateau where an Iron Age village has been reconstructed (from tested and documented basis or archaeological evidence): a granary with hayloft, a hut of Rhaetian type, surrounded by cultivated flats with typical growth of the firs millennium BC. (reade more)


Cividate Camuno and Breno
Casa Malaguzzi:
The actual appearance of the Malaguzzi palace dates back to a XVIth century restoration; however, in the documents of the preceding century that was mentioned as the most valuable in the village. On the facade there are two XVth century arches, one of whom stands on medieval columns reused. Numerous grey stone framed windows with their original gratings embellish the façade, enriched in the centre by a sun clock. (reade more)
At Cividate Camuno, there was a Roman town equipped with monumental public buildings and open-air facilities, of which the entertainment buildings zone with theatre and amphitheatre and part of the forum area may be seen. Not far away in Breno there is an out-of-town sanctuary to Minerva, one of the best-preserved cult sites in north Italy.
Roman Minerva Sanctuary: The temple of Spinéra di Breno, discovered by chance in 1986 and turned into an Archaeological Park in September 2007, supplies fundamental information concerning the Valcamonica culture of the second half of the Iron Age, the process and dynamics of Romanization and the persistence and evolution of local cults during the Roman Age. The place was chosen in ancient times certainly because of the mysterious and holy atmosphere: the structures of the Roman building lean against a stone spur rising along the eastern side of Oglio River, not far from Cividate Camuno, within an area marked by several caves and natural hollow spaces and dug by the action of the water which used to flow inside them until recent times. (reade more)


Sanctuary of the Annunciation (SS. Annunciata)
: The abbey, placed 750 m above sea level on a hill with scenic view on the Low Valcamonica down to the Iseo Lake, is one of the most striking places in the Valley from a devotional point of view. (reade more)




Bienno preserves in a nearly integral way the medieval urban structure of the old town centre. It is articulated on the geometric structure of Roman foundations (castrum) and it has all the typical features of a medieval village, both in the evolution of Roman routes and in the extension of the same in relation to the geomorphological configuration of the soil.
The Grigna stream runs through it and, through the waters that flowed into the Vaso Ré (the Rè Duct) it provides the energy that is necessary for the hydraulic wheels to move both the heavy hammers and the millstones, processing the iron into forged tools and grinding the cereals into flour. The wealth produced by this activity has enabled the development of the architecture, from the Middle Ages until the eighteenth century, embellished by the work of famous artists and craftsmen. (reade more)

Participating in the III International congress Santuários 2016 is a formative and stimulating experience.
By deciding to be part of the Santuários 2016 volunteer team, you will contribute to its success, acquire skills and knowledge, convey a message of welcome, and help participants to integrate and enjoy the culture of the event.
As a volunteer, you will be doing something for yourself.

  • Expand your experience by being part of an international, multicultural and multilingual event that will enrich your curriculum vitae.
  • Build up a network of contacts through enthusiasm, energy, talent and initiative, which could also be useful for your future.
  • Develop new areas of interest by living a unique experience and discovering skills and talents that you have not yet explored.

Help from volunteers will be needed in the following sectors: editorial office (May, June, July 2016), translations (May, June, July 2016), registration (September) and assistance in the lecture room (8 to 13 September). Please send a curriculum vitae and cover letter to the following email address: (place Voluntary work in the subject field and state your period of availability in the message).



Santuários III International Congress: sanctuaries, culture, art, romarias, pilgrimages, landscape, people
info: Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici • phone +39 0364 42091 • email: